Thought theres a thread like this one somewhere, couldn't find it though... How fast do you guys type on the keyboard? I recently got to 83 WPM You can check how fast you type here.
I once recorded this one, this is in my mod app: Then I once did 96 words per minute, but wasn't recording
I type at 80 words-per-minute. I believe it's because I was taught to type in a very unorthodox manner.
quite impressed considering I did this with my laptop on my lap mind you my laptop is a 2-in-1 so it has a kickstand, meaning it's far less stable
I call hacks on that one... Looks like 80 is an average for gamers... idk Think you could get 95~ if you would use a proper setup, not bad ;d
I don't see how a laptop makes it easier to type, but your choice :p I personally use a mechanical keyboard since the feel is more satisfying :D ------- Here's the old thread:
I've achieved around 80-100 before, so yeah in the right conditions I can do well. hey on the bright side, you typed 60CPM
I dislike these type of tests. I can type much faster when I know what I'm about to type. Also, I did one of these in class I scored 87, then 49, then 24.