This has happened to me nearly every time I log into Infection. I get levels from voting (often many at a time due to not logging in to Infection for a few days), but on death (whether as human or zombie) it reverts to what it was. I know that the broadcast mentions, or used to mention, that relogging should bring it back to its correct value. Yet, this does not occur. Is there a fix that anyone knows of? Is there something I should or can do differently?
For some reason, if you want to keep the voting levels. You have to vote while in Infection. Also, you can't die while voting.
Yes Poke be right i has this problem for ages. If anybody else is struggling with this on mac then do fn f11 and that should take you out of fullscreen and from there you can vote of safari. IF i had done this since day 1 of infection i would at least be prestige 5 :O