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  • How To: Setup a VPN

    Discussion in 'Guides & "How To"' started by seanrays, Apr 14, 2017.

    1. seanrays

      seanrays Well-Known Member

      Sep 22, 2015
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      I decided to create this because there are no threads that really emphasize getting a VPN. A VPN is essential in keeping your IP safe from hackers and to browse the internet safely. With that in mind, I made a tutorial to show that setting up a VPN is very simple. Soft ether VPN client manager is not only free, but you can connect to proxies from different regions.


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    2. Alex

      Alex sweet roll Premium

      May 9, 2014
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      I have a couple questions about the use of VPNs. I don't currently use one because:
      1. They make my internet super laggy
      2. They do not allow me to login to my Minecraft account. If I turn it on after I am logged in, I can not join any servers.
      Is there anything I can do to fix this?
    3. clxrity

      clxrity dev Developer Premium

      Nov 7, 2015
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      Which one have you been trying to use that caused those issues? The laggy internet I would assume is because of the one you're using. And public VPNS sometimes cause issues with mojang authentication and security logging into accounts, I think. There are some VPNS & private VPNs I've used that are MUCH better - sometimes even make my internet faster.
    4. Alex

      Alex sweet roll Premium

      May 9, 2014
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      The last one I tried to use was windscribe, and I've used 2 before that which I've forgotten the names of, all recommended by other moderators who have no isssues with them.
    5. seanrays

      seanrays Well-Known Member

      Sep 22, 2015
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      To be honest, Windscribe is really not that good. The thing about Softether VPN is that people "volunteer" a term that they use to set up proxies, it's not really laggy because you can pick proxies that people in your area volunteer. Also, with this VPN you can log into your Minecraft account and evade IP Bans.
    6. Jubkopu

      Jubkopu Active Member

      Jun 28, 2016
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      Free VPN's are the worst. Paid ones are good. Alex the answer to the question why you have those problems is: what did you expect from a free vpn. Also YoltsSanity you didnt include something that the vpn can do on the main thread. It also helps you ban evade without anyone know its you.
      Last edited: Apr 30, 2017
    7. sircorgi

      sircorgi Boss Member

      Nov 28, 2014
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      I for one will not spend money on a VPN. Moderators shouldn't need to pay for vpns.

      Your answer to her question was not helpful at all. Actually try answer her questions and help her out.

      Anyway, tyvm for this guide. I may not be a mod but I'll still keep this in the case I may be at risk of having my IP taken.
    8. Mega_

      Mega_ Boss Member

      Aug 1, 2014
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      No, it doesn't. The only way to successfully ban evade is to have 2 routers. VPN's are extremely, extremely easy to bypass. They're totally overrated. A software I use can trace an IP through multiple VPN's in a matter of seconds.
    9. Jubkopu

      Jubkopu Active Member

      Jun 28, 2016
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      I know that can be done but let's be honest. Do you really think that Mineverse mods use something like that? I don't think so
    10. Winnfield

      Winnfield Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2013
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      When you say 'laggy', are you meaning slow?
      It's pretty common. Two key factors of a slow connection <when using a VPN> are: how fast your network is when not using a VPN; the provider or VPN service you are using.

      When not using a VPN, your packets or information, data - whatever you want to call it - are being sent through your internet service provider (ISP), which will then take you to the website or endpoint. However, when you use a VPN your packets have to be encapsulated, or wrapped in a new packet - with a new authentication header... This header gives your packets new information, on where it's being directed through the tunnel, how to get to the tunnel endpoint. When your packets arrive at the tunnel endpoint, they have to be decapsulated, and then they can be sent to your final / intended destination.

      Do you see why the connection may be 'laggy'?
      Not using a VPN:
      Your packets are sent through your ISP, which forwards them to your destination.​
      When using a VPN:
      - Your packets have to be 'encapsulated' with a new authentication header
      - They then need to travel through a secure 'tunnel', the sole point of a VPN
      - When the packets reach the end of the tunnel, or the 'endpoint': they have to be decapsulated
      - Once decapsulated: the packets can then be forwarded / sent to your intended destination​

      I don't think Mojang started blocking VPNs, however many servers do try and block VPNs. Plugins aren't uncommon. It may be due to some lockout feature. So: if a user has used that VPN - and failed to login to their account, and then you connect using the same VPN. I'm not too sure. I haven't studied much about Mojang and VPNs... Lol.

      A VPN is useful. Not essential.
      A lot of people have the misconception that everyone needs a VPN, as if there is some conspiracy against them. Generally: people don't really care / want your IP, to 'boot' someone offline, or perform a denial of service attack is usually more of a problem for the person performing the attack than the target, dos attacks are uncommon... Unless you've done something real bad, to annoy someone, and the person performing the DOS attack has lots of time and resources.
      But: 'browsing safely' doesn't mean much. Every website you visit captures your IP. Hell - Mineverse grabs your IP, there's a big database filled with everyone's name, and IP. Every website gets your IP. It's common. It's whether they want to do something with it...

      As for the 'hackers' misconception, nobody can 'hack' your IP. Hell, yeah - it opens a lot of doors for kinds of attacks, port scanning, dos attacks etc.

      I'm not a network engineer. Just read a few books on VPNs and networking. Having 2 routers would do nothing, if I'm correct. Your router is literally just used to send the packets, a modem is what's used to connect you to the internet. Having 2 modems might help.

      Also, do you have your hands on NSA cyber-weapons? Unless the person you are tracing uses a terrible VPN service, it would be hard to trace them. Like I stated above, your packets are wrapped up nice and tight before being sent anywhere. The only people - theoretically - who should be able to see your IP are: the VPN service.

      Having a VPN, can either be very beneficial, or your demise.
      Depends on how trusted your service is. Say for example: I offered you a free VPN, pretty sure that would make you more prone than ever to a man in the middle attack. I could watch your every move :D

      Again, excuse my ignorance on the topic of networking: but people should have more faith in their ISP. Not everyone is out to DOS you. Your ISP is usually more than prepared to defend you. You should be worrying about getting a firewall, leave your IP as dynamic, and you theoretically should be fine.
    11. Alex

      Alex sweet roll Premium

      May 9, 2014
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      (just quoting all of this because I'm on my phone and can't be bothered backspacing)

      My internet is already very slow due to me living in Australia and paying for slow internet. So VPNs only make that worse and I've yet to find one that doesn't.
      With the blocking thing, I'm not sure how it works either but it just won't let me log into my account lmao.
    12. Winnfield

      Winnfield Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2013
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      Lol. That's Mojang for you.

      Honestly. When playing in-game. You don't really need a VPN. Try and use one for Skype etc. But even Skype now has proxies which hide your IP. I'll PM you a VPN service I use, which has yet to let me down :)

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