This took me forever to get it by, I finally did. Hope you guys who are viewing it enjoys it! Please leave a comment below :3 Thank you! Actors who helped me (luv yall) YourQueenAve Holly3 DoughnutPrincess Tomato_Sauce CastawayWolf JustAOktu
The "film" itself was okay, but the dialogue wasn't great. It didn't convey any emotions or give any thoughts of the characters. Before you disagree and start quoting, I understand there was some emotions and thoughts, but it wasn't "meaningful". If you'd even use that word to describe it. It was quite painful to read as it was extremely dull. Instead of insulting everything about it, I'll just say there's room to improve. 'Well done' with some aspects.
I mean, I can see where this video was coming from. I guess you tried to capture what it's like in this world where the youth are blinded from the use of drugs (not literally lol) and the mental and physical pain that one goes through when they have gone through unconsented sex. Although, I don't feel as though much "emotion" was put into it. I know you probably couldn't get willing voice actors, but it would've added much more feeling in my opinion. @Kheidra also stated that the dialogue wasn't great. I'd agree too, but it would've been just fine if there was some voice. If you want to add in subtitles as dialogue, make sure there is a lot of feelings in the characters, because the loss of voice takes out a lot of emotive language as well. Some better props would've been nice as well. Maybe make your own private modded server, with crayfishes furniture mod and some other mods that can be used as props. I didn't have much as an issue with this though. I liked the use of iron as a mobile phone, +1 for that. All in all, the editing, the high quality shots and the video in general was very nice, and portrayed a powerful message. Good job ;p