So this also applies to OP PvP but im sure you've all noticed the random chests hidden around the map and like they aren't used for anything. My suggestion is to give them a function, there would be random supplies spawned in the chests at certain times, nothing too OP. It would be announced in chat when and where these items would be spawning and the times would be completely random (not to close together though) so that players can't just camp a certain spot at certain times to ensure they get the items. This would hopefully add a bit more fun to the game and add a goal for players.
seriously tho what were the point of the chests? Did the maps on OpPvP and KitPvP come from hunger games maps? support
I support and I think they were just for details or they meant it so players can put items in the chest. I have to agree with @Herf because players could just camp chest, maybe make it so it spawns in different areas in maps.