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  • Is Mineverse Staff Experienced

    Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Ozzy, Mar 16, 2017.

    1. kinsey_kid

      kinsey_kid Developer Developer Premium

      Aug 4, 2014
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      You guys do realise that if you feel you have been false banned then you can appeal. The team as a whole is well trainned, Some of us have been here for several months but that doesnt mean we do not make mistakes.
    2. Alex

      Alex sweet roll Premium

      May 9, 2014
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      That is why I said they can be resolved. Some players have to wait out their 'false bans', which isn't necessarily fair, but sometimes when multiple Moderators agree that it looks like a player is hacking, it means that the all the evidence is against them.
    3. Titanicguy

      Titanicguy Boss Member

      Jan 2, 2016
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      Can you link the reports that false banned you?
      Second time asking
    4. galvanastas

      galvanastas Active Member

      Sep 9, 2015
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      seems kinda odd happens 15 times to you....always someone elses fault thou, no doubt.
    5. WiiTarded

      WiiTarded Experienced Member

      May 2, 2016
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      just a thought: could be the type of person he is???
    6. Ozzy

      Ozzy Experienced Member

      Mar 26, 2014
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      sure ill hit you up
      and i said 5 times you jackass read the dam fourms
      that is not it because i always treat mods with respect when i first meet them

      I said this before i appealed but they were just like "no i have made up my mind you were definitely hacking and "I don't want to see you make another ban appeal".
      Last edited by a moderator: Mar 18, 2017
    7. Ares_Xena

      Ares_Xena Legendary Member

      Jan 25, 2014
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      This thread is getting edgy.
      @Pile pls dont remove for politics ;(

      On a serious note that's frustrating to say the least.
    8. KinderEggs

      KinderEggs Active Member

      Mar 8, 2016
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      And I get they're not perfect. But they can do a lot better. Even the players are better than them. The only reason why staff members can get more reports is because they can straight away ban an hacker. Gee I wonder why it's soooooooooo hard to get captures of them hacking. It's not like we're recording everyday everysecond /

      Yup Agreed

      The reason is the owners changed. And that was when Minetime began to fall... Then everyone hated Minetime so the new server owners were desperate so they allowed almost everyone... The end

      They're humans but it shouldn't be hard to tell.
      Last edited by a moderator: Mar 18, 2017
    9. Andrewswj

      Andrewswj Boss Member

      Jul 21, 2014
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      Moderators have to record hackers before banning them too.
    10. kinsey_kid

      kinsey_kid Developer Developer Premium

      Aug 4, 2014
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      Please don't triple+ post. Also maybe have a bit of consideration for the team bearing in mind no one gets paid for what they do, literally we get nothing out of it.

      I've completely removed your hateful comment's because although you are entitled to your opinion you can keep opinions like those to yourself especially considering the wording you decided to use.

      As for bans, I checked the archives and it doesn't look like you have really contributed at all recently, when you are one of the main contributers then you are in a position to make comments on the work ethic of others but until then the saying 'those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones' applies.

      Unless you have been or are a staff then you do not know what the job entails, just because an ex mod tells you something doesn't mean it's true also many of the mods do a heck of a lot of work behind the scenes that you don't even see.
      • Like Like x 4
    11. Andrewswj

      Andrewswj Boss Member

      Jul 21, 2014
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      Credits to kinsey for basically speaking whatever I wanted to say but couldn't find words for previously. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but that doesn't mean that you should be completely disrespectful and hateful. The same way how you shouldn't disrespect people in-game or insult them, etc.

      You say that Moderators can easily just /tempban players instead of having to record them, but that's not true. Moderators have to get proper evidence of every single punishment they dish out to players, be it warnings, kicks, mutes or bans. Moderators' duties aren't that simple. As kinsey said, there's a lot of behind the scenes work.
    12. Ozzy

      Ozzy Experienced Member

      Mar 26, 2014
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      i got banned by herf before and i asked to see the proof on ts and his response was i don't have to show you. At the same time i respect the moderators and i know that they work hard every day but honestly the old mineverse staff did way better and connected to the players better and made fewer mistakes

      Okay Kinsey now you are getting salty af. We know that it is hard to be a mod but i have been a mod on different servers before and i worked hard but i am complaining that some staff are in experienced it is not mistakes that you are pointing out it is plain inexperience. There is a fine line between inexperience and mistakes and some of the mineverse staffs are inexperienced. On the mod applications there is a question do you have past experience being a staff member. You should make them list server and give proof just because they say yes it does not mean crap. Secondly people don't support mod applications based on experience they do it based on if they like the person in game. And this is to all mods if you can't take insults get out of staffing i have been banned before for saying in public chat that i don't like a mod because he is mean. Some staff just can't take insults.

      Everyone is saying they are humans they make mistakes. My response to that is that i am not saying they should not make mistakes i am saying make fewer mistakes because there are way more than there should be
      Last edited: Mar 18, 2017
    13. Andrewswj

      Andrewswj Boss Member

      Jul 21, 2014
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      Moderators don't need to show you evidence on TS, only on your ban appeal or through a forum conversation.

      So... what? You want the entire old staff back? It's a different time. Back in 2014, of course, there were less hackers than... say.... November 2016. I say that even if the old staff team was better, this is the present, and this is what you have to deal with, even if you don't like it. This is what the Staff Team is like now, and you cannot change anything about it.

      All Moderators have to be trained by mentors, and have meetings as a staff team to discuss Mineverse stuff. Moderators are not paid to do their "jobs", and the amount of dedication some of the Moderators show is just astronomical. It's passion. About supporting Moderator Applications, there are threads which state how to judge an applicant. Though some people may not follow this, let me just say that player supports may not be definite to a player's promotion into the team. It is, after all, up to the Head Mods, and ultimately Cyp and Crew to decide. Mainly Cyp though.

      As Moderator, people get trash talked every time they get online, they get insults hurled their way, and though I know that this is what they essentially signed up for, if you are literally outright disrespecting, calling them names, swearing, or harassing a Moderator, you will probably get punished. It goes the same for players. If you harass them or swear at them, you will receive punishment/if you're lucky, get a verbal warning.
    14. PiLe

      PiLe Retired Admin Premium

      Nov 20, 2013
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      Moo.. tbf you hacked your butt off for a long time. Let's be real. You were a known huge hacker. I mean I love ya to bits but how are staff supposed to believe you weren't hacking with a history like yours?

      As for false bans, I've made a few. No one is perfect and hit detection on these old servers can be super weird. No new mod is going to know that right off the bat. That kind of thing takes time for sure. The weird nockback on OP throws me for a loop and that's just one glitchy thing about that server.

      Staff will make mistakes. That is a fact but where I feel we could do better is in appeales. All mods are required to show proof of their bans in appeals. If you were banned and the mod refuses to show you evidence in your appeal that is an automatic unban. Now on the other hand if the mod shows you proof and you both still disagree make sure you ask for other mods opinions. Tag staff members to look at your appeal and state their opinion of the evidence. Not enough players know they can do this. If you feel you would like a second opinion you are allowed it.
      • Like Like x 2
    15. very good meme

      very good meme Experienced Member

      Mar 13, 2016
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      there is something wrong here though, you're saying you got false banned when you actually cheat.
    16. Ozzy

      Ozzy Experienced Member

      Mar 26, 2014
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      @Pile i love you too and i do know my history is shady as hell but what pisses me off the most is the fact that the 2 last bans that got me perm banned were false and out dated. I donated to this server and i stopped hacking so i could start pvping legit. Then i get false banned and I am told if i get banned again I get no more unbans. After i was told that in public chat Herf_ uploads a video that he has of me when i announced i was quitting and giving away all my stuff. The video was 2 months old and he only uploaded it so i could get perm banned. That is what pisses me off about this. I talked to Cyp 1 time about this so i get another account to start playing. Guess what happens next a mod who hates me recordeds a video of me "hacking" when all i did was hit him two times and then eat a gapple. So now i have no more chances of playing mineverse and this has been the main server i have played on ever since i got minecraft. So that is really the reason i made this thread. Unfair bans resulting in my perm bans and the mods who false banned me said stuff like "dealth with it" "you were hacking i'm not gonna unban you" " Don't think about making another ban appeal i will reject it every time with no second thought.

      I also got banned for doing this while pvping

      I was just turning my head really fast but the mods said no it was head snaps
      Last edited: Mar 18, 2017
    17. Discdog1000

      Discdog1000 Well-Known Member

      May 1, 2014
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      Being moderator isn't the most complicated thing ever. Also, I get that everyone's human and everyone makes mistakes, but some bans are just ridiculous.

      There's a difference between joking and death wish. I know it's a sensitive topic, but everyone on this server nowadays tries to be the edgiest and coolest person. As for hacking, mods sign up to ban people. BANNING PEOPLE IS THEIR JOB. If you're a grocery clerk, let's say, and you screw up where everything goes, you'll most likely be fired. If it's a 1/3 chance you mistake lag for hacking, then you don't exactly deserve to be mod anymore.

      IRL, I know everyone messes up occasionally, but just banning people multiple times for "hacking" is getting a little annoying. I suggest they just bring a mod experienced with hackers and identifying hacks to look at the situation, not their little biased friends who will side with the mod.

      The staff team is extremely biased. Heck, I got demoted for pretty much standing up for myself ingame and making a few rookie mistakes. Meanwhile, these new mods make worse or the exact same mistakes I did, and get to stay. I know I probably sound really immature right now, but it's just unfair for people. Everyone works hard to get staff, I know that, but you can't just go on in life cherry picking the ones you like and toss out the rest like trash. If you do, then basically everyone will despise you and some might like you and/or fear you.

      By the way, you sound pretty rude and immature in that message. I know that kind of typing and stuff pretty well, and you're honestly just being annoying.
    18. Teeeb

      Teeeb Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Leader Discord Leader Competition Team

      Mar 14, 2014
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      I agree with this ^.

      Disc got demoted for the stupidest thing ever. She made tiny mistakes. The moderators today have made mistakes much worse than the ones she made.

      Same for me. I accidentally abused a faction command. One command. Some of these moderators have made hundreds of false bans, disrespected players, and broken rules.

      It's just my opinion. I won't single anyone out.
    19. Teeeb

      Teeeb Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Leader Discord Leader Competition Team

      Mar 14, 2014
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      this whole thread is really weird considering i made like one small mistake when i was moderator (same with disc) and we both got erased from the staff team for a simple mistake while some of these current moderators have made like 3 or more false bans. (no hate to you if you have). just wondering why it's suddenly different. xd.
    20. extender

      extender Experienced Member

      Jan 19, 2014
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      no they arent

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