Hellllloooooo, My name is Liam and recently I have been wanting to know the best recording software, the software needs to have the following: Spoiler: The Following: Good quality videos. A hotkey that is compatible with any computer I use. (HP) Included editing software that isn't hard to use. In the spoiler you shall see what I need, Please drop in the comments what you use to edit videos with. Not accepting the following: EZvid... Only because that's useless and rubbish. Thank you for reading and taking this into consideration, -Liam
OBS, Action (I use it personally), Bandicam. OBS is free although to set it up may be complicated for some people. Video files on Action tend to take up a bit more space. So keep track of that. And Bandicam.. eh, people complain about it sometimes idfk why. But yeah if you want an Action licence I'll get guan.
https://www.howtogeek.com/219947/how-to-record-pc-gameplay-with-windows-10’s-game-dvr-and-game-bar/ I use this