Hey guys just wanted to let you members know that as a side project I have decided to make a forums community for all games including console. A community for dedicated gamers who enjoy playing outside the realms of minecraft. Although minecraft gamers are also welcome. We specifically are reaching out to gamers who enjoy these 3 games, but any games are welcome: Overwatch Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Minecraft It's a project still in the making but I would like to share it with you. So if you like to play other games feel free to make an account and socialize with gamers like yourself. Link to the forums community: Hope to see you guys there.
It looks amazing! You have put so much work into this! I'm glad you finally released it :D Everyone should go join!
ADVERTISER!! but you should add an "Other" section for games that people want to discuss but shouldn't really need a whole node for it.
I know there is already a "console" section, but it wouldn't hurt to have a few subsections within it
Understandable but I do not think this is a good idea for the 8-9 year olds who play on the server its not a good influence although this may be less intensive its still not a good idea as for revolution why are we encouraging race?/religon