My suggestion is just to replace the gamemode 3 perk for staff members with /vanish. My idea for this came off the infection server. Whenever a mod is in gamemode 3, if you go to the [TAB] button, you are able to tell. Vanish is a command i've used before during my staff positions for other servers. Vanish is just like GM3, but you cannot see their name in tab (it gets removed from tab without them leaving) this way, people will never be aware when a mod is present, and it will be a lot easier to catch hackers for them. If access to the area around them is an issue, maybe make it so that they will be able to use fly, but only in vanish.
Many moderators and staff members have requested /vanish before; the problem is -- it could be used to abuse... There'd be no way of telling what moderator was doing something in /vanish. I'm pretty sure the idea of keeping a moderator in TAB is so that people can still request assistance, if all of us were in /vanish -- there'd be no appearing staff online...
No support, I prefer /gm 3 And to ppl who say they'd abuse, why won't they abuse using /tempban. <edit>
This is a very hard topic to decide on because if they have /v they can easily abuse their powers and no one could tell who it is but when i used to hack i used to do /list frequently so i can know when there was a mod o. No support sorry This has to be the dumbest thing that anyone on here has ever said. If they abuse /tempban they could get reported on the fourms and they would need to provide evidence which they would have none of if they abused. Think more before your write