So why is someone who says "Kill Yourself" guilty of death threats? The person isn't threatening anyone, he's simply saying an declarative sentence. It's not a threat in the slightest. Could someone explain this to me? I'm not saying that this shouldn't be against the rules, but the name of the offensive should be changed to something more relevant.
In the rules, it states that death wishes/threats are a 31 day ban. They each have their own name. Usually if someone tells another user to take their own life, they are banned under death wishes.
It's death wishes/suicide encouragement not threats but the punishment is the same, so sometimes the names are used interchangeably
no offence to the mods but u guys are really stupid i have been banned on kitpvp so many times because i tell people "I'm gonna kill you" and it is in the context of the game but the just ignore and all the see is kill you and ban you for death threats you guys need to take more time on death threat reports
No offense, but you sound really stupid when you call the mods stupid because 1) You have no idea what they do for the server. 2) Just because you say no offense, offense can be taken. You don't need to say what you just said. 3) You're not even using correct grammar and spelling and 4) I barely understood any of what you said.
Well I don't think they should be. They need to use the appropriate title for the relevant misdemeanor.
It's mainly the players who confuse the two terms. I see reports all the time for "death threats" when it's really death wishes. I don't know why a lot of people just say "death threats" for everything, I always distinguish between the two for ban messages. They are however connected as one rule and both result in the same punishment, so it's not a huge deal.
I feel like the rule should be removed altogether and be considered as "disrespect" There's no way people could tell if someone saying "I'm going to kill you" (on a fighting block game) is a real life threat or just a threat that they'll kill them in the game. It's also far too harsh considering only a small minority of people are depressed irl would take some harm to this, and the rest have to suffer.
I hate the rule. One time someone messaged me saying they're going to 3v1 me, so I messaged back saying I was going to kill all of them and I got banned for it.
Well yeah you can be technical and say that those types of things are just you being sarcastic or it's just in game and stuff like that but sadly words can scar and kill people. People can easily mistake how people mean things and say things considering they're not face to face. One may think it's just a "little joke" but the other can commit suicide over it. Perhaps tweak the punishment a bit to make it a bit shorter but long enough to make them learn their lesson?
Ideally the rule is in place to keep the server friendly. A lot of people find remarks about death threats/wishes offensive & cruel, even if a joke. Saying you're going to kill someone pvping in-game is perfectly fine, though. If that really was the case, you could've appealed and been unbanned for that. People tend to take advantage of the rule to try and get others banned.
Mineverse motto be like: to protect the snowflakes, the people with safe-space, and ''depressed'' players.
still the staff should be more careful i got a 3 day ban and i had to serve the full punishment when i said imna kill you in a in game context but the mod did not wanna hear it
Why do people get banned for 31 days for saying ''kys''? It's petty whining. You could do a racist/homophobic/whatever rant at a person and just get warned or muted (For the first few times) gon kill meself over kys methinks :t: