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  • EUR [Singapore] ☣ Andrew's Re-Application ☣

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by Andrewswj, Mar 5, 2017.

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    1. Andrewswj

      Andrewswj Boss Member

      Jul 21, 2014
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      Hello, I am andrewswj, but most people call me Andrew. I started playing Mineverse in early 2014, and I have been a moderator here from October 31st 2016 to December 12 2016. I hope to see you in-game, and do say hello if you see me!

      To Pile, Dyna and others whom this may be directed to:
      I am very sorry for any irresponsible, uncalled for actions when I was a Moderator. I have learnt from those and have matured much. I was not aware of those mistakes previously, but now I have learnt and am now fully aware of them. I will not make those mistakes in the future, if given the opportunity to serve. I think that I deserve a second chance as a Moderator as I strongly believe that I can serve the community better. I promise that I have matured and learnt from all mistakes made, and I will definitely NOT make those mistakes again if given the second chance.

      To everyone else, I think I deserve a second chance to moderate Mineverse as I believe that I can fulfil the general expectations of the community, and that I can be active in-game and on forums. Some of you may say, “Why are you reapplying after only nearly 3 months?” Well, when I had to leave, I didn’t have much of a choice. Both mistakes in-game and real life issues popping up resulted in that unfortunate conclusion. But rest assured, I am now ready to deal with real life issues better, and that I will not make those mistakes in-game at all. I have learnt much, and I still remember them to date.

      What are those mistakes that had cost me the position?
      Well, I made some bans on my ban logs that did not have the clearest evidence possible, and I had forgotten to log a couple of bans before. I am remorseful, and I do realise how much of an impact that had created.
      mod app pic.png
      My in-game name:
      My in-game name is andrewswj. I also have an alternate account, which I do use from time to time.

      What timezone am I in?
      My timezone is GMT + 8.00.

      What country do I live in?
      I live in Singapore, which is neighboured by Malaysia and Indonesia. Singapore is located in Southeast Asia.

      What languages do I speak?
      I am able to speak fluent English and Mandarin. Believe it or not, I had previously put my mandarin knowledge to use when moderating. I had dealt with a person spamming death threats in mandarin before.

      Do I have the necessary means of capturing evidence?
      Yes, I do. I use QuickTimePlayer for recording, and I use the Mac’s built-in screenshot function for pictures. I am then able to upload them to Gyazo or Imgur appropriately when needed.
      mod app pic.png
      Why do I think I should become a Moderator?
      As funny as it sounds, yes, I am dedicated to Mineverse. I know some of you may say, “That’s a lie! He only stayed on for 1.5 months as a Moderator!” Well, here’s my stand. I would not have intended to resign anytime soon if I was still given the opportunity to continue. Unfortunately, I got cut from the team. As I mentioned earlier, I have learnt thoroughly from my previous mistakes, and I really hope to get another chance as I still think that mistakes can be learnt from, and prevented next time. For me, there wasn’t a next time, so I hope to be able to get a second chance here.

      I joined Mineverse in early 2014, then joined forums after a few months. I’ve stayed on till now, 2017. Even though there are a few inactive times, I’ve been mostly active and “in” with the news in Mineverse, keeping with the pace of this community. I love this community. If I truly didn’t, I wouldn’t bother applying for the position of Moderator. I promise all of you that I will not resign anytime soon if I am promoted, unless something unfortunate happens to me, etc.

      I am humble and receptive to feedback. When my previous mentors (Alex and BlackZone) helped me along, I was ready to learn and be active within the Staff Team. Even though I made mistakes that had cost me the position in the end, I was receptive to the criticism, and I was truly unaware of the slip ups that I had made. Now that I am fully aware and have been reflecting on them, I can assure the community that I am ready once again, and I will always be ready to listen to constructive criticism.

      Kind & Strict O_o
      Now, these traits are contrasting. Kind and strict? How can Andrew be both kind, and strict at the same time? Well, I am kind when helping people. One on one, or in small groups, especially, when people message me in-game or address me on a one-on-one basis, I am willing to listen, and help them in their predicament. However, when it comes to enforcing the rules, I am strict and will not tolerate rule breaking, from chat offences to hacking in-game or island farming, etc. However, I also do know what to do when trying to get to safety when PvPing and what not to do. An example is not using /god or /fly when in the midst of PvPing. Instead, as a Moderator, you should use normal commands, such as /spawn or use ender pearls to go away from the fights.

      Cracking under pressure?
      Yes, I admit. I do have my rough times, just like everyone else here. During the start of moderating, I had some trouble handling the pressure, mainly because I no-lifed 6 hours and I was cracking. Some moderators whom had noticed that and helped me along are StrKillr, RandomNinja, Janice and Dyna. There are others, of course, but this is just to show that in the Staff Team, I believe that moderators help each other out, and I think that even though I will not no-life in-game activity, I will still be very active on Mineverse. I also have improved myself, and I strongly believe that I am able to handle pressure much better now.

      Moderating experience
      I have moderating experience on Mineverse, from October 31st to December 12th. Even though it is short-lived, I have gained much knowledge and improved on my demeanour. I have knowledge of moderating up to December 12th, including forum and in-game commands, rules, do’s and don’ts and staff expectations. This will help me greatly if I am given a second chance to moderate this server.

      I am very clear that if I am re-promoted, I have to be responsible to manage both my behaviour and actions, as well as others’ in this community. I am responsible for my actions, and I was irresponsible previously to slip up on my moderating duties. I am aware of that, and I am now responsible enough to not slip up on such big things. I believe that I have the capability and am ready in my real life to volunteer to be a Moderator for Mineverse.

      When it comes to moderating, I am sure that at least some of you can verify that I am hardworking and self-driven to work for things I want to achieve, and things that I need to achieve. I did around 550 valid bans logged in my ban logs (excluding the reports I did), and for those who are wondering, yes, I was cut from the staff team as I made a big slip up on my bans. However, I promise that I will not make those mistakes again, and I will be very conscientious when dealing with moderating. I am able to work hard to improve the quality of gameplay for the Mineverse community.

      Hm… Well, this is a touchy topic. Resigning and demotion. My moderating journey was short, but to those who are still worried that I may not have the motivation and dedication to go on further, let me give you an assurance that when I was demoted, and I still had the intention to continue moderating. I have learnt completely from those mistakes, and I am fully prepared to serve once again. I think that people deserve second chances if they are truly willing to change, and if I am re-promoted, I will not be leaving early (as far as I can tell). I will be dedicated to fulfil my duties properly and that includes being active within the community.
      mod app pic.png
      How much time do I have available in a day?
      (Please note that this is not a continuous thing, so while I may be on at 3pm, I may not be on at 3.40pm [the time available is spread out in a day])

      << School weeks >>
      Monday: 1 hour
      Tuesday: 1.5 hours-2 hours
      Wednesday: 3 hours
      Thursday: 1 hour
      Friday: 3-4 hours
      Saturday: 4 hours
      Sunday: 2-3 hours

      << Holiday weeks >>
      Monday: 3 hours
      Tuesday: 4 hours
      Wednesday: 4 hours
      Thursday: 3 hours
      Friday: 3-4 hours
      Saturday: 4 hours
      Sunday: 2-3 hours

      I will be available and contactable on forums and Skype throughout the whole day, but do not expect an immediate reply all the time.

      How long have I been playing Mineverse?
      I think I have mentioned this earlier, but I started playing Mineverse in early 2014 all the way to now. I joined the forums slightly later, in July 2014.

      Have I ever been banned in the past?
      Yes, I have. I have been banned on forums sometimes for post farming, but those bans were quite a long time ago. I have also been banned in-game once for abusing a fly glitch in Survival (patched). It was assumed as hacking and I was banned, but later unbanned as there were too many people getting banned for this. I am sorry for all these instances, and I have matured much to know better. You can visit my archived thread, titled “Andrew’s Revelation” if you would like to know more about this.

      Do I have any past experience as a Moderator?
      Yes, I do have past experience as a Moderator on both Mineverse and other servers. My moderating experience on Mineverse lasted from October 31st to December 12th. Before that, I had also moderated other small servers (most of which have closed down due to funding issues). Through all of this, I have gained much helpful skills that I can apply when moderating. I will fulfil my duties to the best of my ability.

      Do I meet the requirements for staff?
      Yes, I do meet the requirements for being a Moderator.

      I have at least 2 weeks experience on forums
      I have at least 50 messages
      I have Skype (Skype/Teamspeak 3)
      I have 2FA enabled on forums and Skype.

      mod app pic.png
      Thank you for reading my application. It will be of great help to me if you could leave constructive criticism.​
      Last edited: Mar 8, 2017
    2. Chain

      Chain Prison Warden

      Sep 10, 2015
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    3. Surge

      Surge Boss Member

      Sep 16, 2015
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      Neutral when I was talking to you about this you told me you were going to take sometime to improve your activity,
      I will Support when I start seeing more reports and more activity In game In general best of luck :)
    4. Andrewswj

      Andrewswj Boss Member

      Jul 21, 2014
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      Thanks, Chain!
      Yeah, I remember having that conversation with you. My activity is pretty good, and has been for a while now. I understand that the timezone gap between us may not be as big as e.g. US to Singapore, but I usually go online at night and late afternoon. However, I'll make a mental note about that. About reports, I don't wish to spam reports, because I don't want to no-life my in-game activity like I used to when I was promoted, and I cracked down easily. I do notice that this is a point to improve though, so thank you for your constructive criticism! :)
    5. jezz

      jezz Well-Known Member

      Mar 13, 2016
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      However, I can be swayed easily.
      Make sure to become a little more active. Good luck!
    6. Ruminisque

      Ruminisque Experienced Member

      Jul 18, 2016
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      Definite Support.
    7. Amori

      Amori Experienced Member

      Dec 28, 2015
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    8. Pink

      Pink Well-Known Member

      May 7, 2014
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      Support, you are helpful, kind, friendly and all that stuff.
      Good luck :)
    9. WIildeBob

      WIildeBob Active Member

      Nov 1, 2016
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      Support fam
    10. Ertuiop

      Ertuiop Well-Known Member

      Jan 23, 2016
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      I didn't read this
      I don't need to
      Full Support
    11. Sparky

      Sparky Retired Head-Mod Premium

      Feb 15, 2016
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      Support, best of luck sweetie ;)
    12. Andrewswj

      Andrewswj Boss Member

      Jul 21, 2014
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      Noted. Thanks!
      Thanks Ruminisque :)
      Thank you.
      Thanks Pink, good luck on your moderating journey!
      Bobby :P Thanks!
      Thanks, if you find any errors you can let me know still ;)
      Thanks Sparky! <3
    13. Scorv

      Scorv Gaming Warlord Premium

      Jul 29, 2014
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      Absolutely no support.

      Last time you left the staff team and were a regular member, you leak so much information about the staff team. Having you back will give you so much more information to leak. Also you wanted to be a "salty ex staff member" because those people were getting attention at the time, and now that they are no longer getting attention, you want to be on the staff team again.

      You rarely do reports, you don't help people, and you are not very active.

      The biggest reason for my no support is the leaking.
    14. Andrewswj

      Andrewswj Boss Member

      Jul 21, 2014
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      Leaking...? PM? I don't believe I leaked confidential information...? I was joking around about being a salty staff member after Torch mentioned that all ex mods are salty. I never intended to get attention because I had no need for it.
    15. WhyteDuck

      WhyteDuck Boss Member

      Apr 3, 2016
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      Do more reports for meh :> (unless I'm blind and never saw from you)
    16. Ares_Xena

      Ares_Xena Legendary Member

      Jan 25, 2014
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      Pandabear leaked information and was acccepted to the staff team for a third time. Your argument is completely valid but Merkz seems to ignore it.
      Only a hand full of reports after you resigned. Although I do see an increasing number in your reports and expect that number to get even higher in the next few days. Increase your activity as well. I'll be neutral for now.
    17. Andrewswj

      Andrewswj Boss Member

      Jul 21, 2014
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      Thanks Ares ;) Constructive criticism helps me. Glad to see a familiar face around here, haha. I'm trying to track down my postings to think about that argument there. I'll work on the activity and reports, especially since this is a recurring criticism. Thank you so much Ares.

      @Auzzi Thanks!
    18. trinityy

      trinityy stan boba Premium

      Jan 30, 2016
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      I would like to see you online a tad more, but I do understand we are in different timezones.
      But you have been helpful, kind, and pretty much active.
    19. Andrewswj

      Andrewswj Boss Member

      Jul 21, 2014
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      Thank you, Meowzy!

      EDIT: Thanks @tin15cro for the support!
      Last edited: Mar 5, 2017
    20. ElZaidTM

      ElZaidTM Active Member

      Jan 22, 2017
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