Hey there, if any of you are interested in some nice texture packs (not trying to get my video more views)! But I do think that I have some nice packs in my pack folder, I will leave the download link if you don't want to watch the video, but if you would like a preview of the pack I will have each pack clip linked below. Full video: Spoiler: Red Celestial and Crayola Spoiler: Upsets 1k pack Spoiler: Tory EUM Spoiler: CantSoar Spoiler: Dark Reid https://youtu.be/XRb6Vn7MXP4?t=42 Spoiler: Asianide https://youtu.be/XRb6Vn7MXP4?t=55 Spoiler: Aventurine https://youtu.be/XRb6Vn7MXP4?t=68 Spoiler: Notorious https://youtu.be/XRb6Vn7MXP4?t=82 Spoiler: Xetha https://youtu.be/XRb6Vn7MXP4?t=93 Spoiler: mitLar https://youtu.be/XRb6Vn7MXP4?t=105