IGN/Team Name: Head-Builders: ItzTristaan 100% Map Name: End Life Gamemode for Map: Infection Description of Map: This is an end map. I saw the map where there were seperate biomes, then I thought "Oh wow why not make an end map?" THIS MAP has insane hiding spots! The spots in this video aren't all of them!!! Screenshots/Recording: CLEARED THE LAG! ENJOY WATCHING!
I really do like the map, but I don't think the build team is in need of builders. I believe the head-builder @Rythen announces when they do! If you would like you can suggest this to be a infection map. Good luck!
Okay, I can make much better maps than this so ya... This is literally a 7 hour map I made, it takes 1 day or 2 to make a considerable map for me
THANK YOU ALL for the amazing support! This wasn't hard for me but it would've been better if I had some help.
No support at ALl... i watched over half the map being built... for one... its very bland with no colors... its tan black and some purple its just not appealing to the eye... if i hopped on to this map id want to leave it idk somthing about it just is very unpleaseing it just is very bland/colorless seccond it was rushed so they can get it done tonight... no support from me very unpleaseing to the eye
Support, the map has a lot of potential. Altho, the trees should have some clay inside, because just having glass as trees makes them look weird. Also we should have a main End themed map imo
Please don't triple post. You can quote multiple posts in one reply, and if you want to add more use the edit option.
Then do what I said and use the edit option. I don't care when you replied to them, you triple posted which is against the rules and could be prevented by editing your post. If you would like to continue arguing with me about this, PM me. Do not fill this Map Submission thread up with off-topic content.
Okay! I will work on this. I also added some pink glass to them check it out /plot tp ItzTristaan THANKS! The end isn't made up of lot's of them colours. I added purple which was hard to decide on. I added some pink to the tree's and some purple clay aswell. see it for yourself /plot tp ItzTristaan
I edited even MORE! Now there's gravel and the ground. Purple clay and pink glass in the tree's!!! I also cleared the lag for the video! Enjoy watching it with better quality!!!
I think some natural barriers on the edges of the map would be nice Also, make sure the spawnpoint doesn't have slabs on it, or zombies and humans will glitch in it