Say something bad about where you're from. For example, England, the only place spitting the bars "Yo, yes, light the bifta I'm gonna rape your little sister" makes you a national treasure.
(NEVER BEEN THERE BUT THEY ARE RIVALS IN FOOTBALL) Swindon is a terrible boring council house flat disgusting crap hole
Texas: A place where you can unironically wear cowboy hats and cowboy boots. Home of a city that's basically just a discount version of Seattle *cough* Austin *cough*
The U.S... The military is paying more attention to global warming than the politicians are... Of all the people to panic about global warming, it's the $%#@ing military. Our biggest naval base in Norfolk is already flooding, it's gotten that bad But no, we need to wage war on frozen ice cream balls and restrooms. The most ironic and mindless country to exist on Earth after the Soviet Union fell.
don't ever make fun of my beloved tea again -- England; the home of wonky teeth and slanted baseball cap, track-suit wearing 14 year olds. @Mega_ the person you quoted in your example lives like 35 miles away from me... Lol.
Australia Complains about terrorists when they can't be bothered too worry about a worse thing aka the environment.