So this is a out of the blue-non minverse related question So all of u have heard the adam and eve story yes? Adam and eve travel around eats a apple everyone sins now yada yada yada Anyways so about my question, Adam and eve had no clothes right? And on their journey to eat that apple did adam have a boner the whole time? Like lmao when staring at eve was he like "This odd object is hard and straight when I look at you, I bet its normal" I mean you gotta ask yourself and even if this isn't real DID HE OR DID HE NOT HAVE A BONER?#?!?!?!? Or was lust not even invented because lust is supposed to be a sin rioght? Well before they ate the "apple of sin" there shouldn't be any attractiveness right? Lmao I was just wondering this even if this story is true or not K bye thanks for reading
I wonder how Eve reacted to her period she must've thought she was peeing and pooping at the same time so kept on walking
well I mean they must've been rlly dumb and maybe she thought it was red because that's how it works so she didn't care about the cramps in her body because she thought that's how it works as well