How long has it been, 3 weeks? I never thought I'd have to make one of these threads. but I guess my time has come. I have taken leave for about these 3 weeks. I had never expected to take an extreme vacation. I believe some of you may have been worried about me. Don't worry, I'm back. let me explain. 1. Other Video Games Yes, it is true. Minecraft is not the only thing i play. I have taken interest temporarily in completing games i have not completed or something. They include: Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Fantasy 3 Pokemon Black, Pokemon Moon, Pokemon Soul Silver Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Heroes of Atlan (which is a mobile game) 2. School Even at my age, school is a bothersome. I have never been so bombarded in my life. Currently, i am midway in the 3rd term. I have a lot of time left to catch up on. Specifically, homework has bombarded me so much that I could barely play video games or use the computer. 3. Youtube Self-explanatory. I have kept my condition of internal depression away from my family, my friends, and myself. After struggling to get a permanent ban from infection and failing time and time again, i became very depressed on the inside. I decided to get away from Mineverse for as long as possible until I came to the realization on this day that I was strong enough to finally achieve my goal (specifically waiting out the temp ban to have a chance to get perm'd). I did this to another server which I will not name (because I will get banned or muted for advertising without IP. I'm pretty sure you know what this server is hint hint hint), because I was tired of the same exact thing. The server had this broken PvP class that everybody played incorrectly. It was supposedly the "best class in the game" and I was sick and tired of playing it. As I said, everybody played it incorrectly. They always spammed the same thing. I even see Youtubers playing as this class incorrectly, and NOBODY comments that they play the class wrong. I tried to fight for a change but nobody cared. They thought I was just an idiot and bad at the game. So you know what I did? I forced the staff on that server to ban me. How you ask? I used a hacked client. Though to be fair I did have multiple bans on this server. I never wanted history to repeat, until the infection reset happened. I tried doing what I did on the other server- breaking the rules on infection to get myself perm banned from it and getting rid of it forever, but no. You see, there's something called the "completion principle." After leaving said server mentioned, I felt I was not completed with my task- getting perm banned from there forever. The completion principle, which many will experience in their lives, made me get perm banned from it. And it's why I still to this day want to perm ban myself from infection. Tell me I have OCD, but I don't care. I just want to finish my task, because I am not completed.
3 weeks not playing Minecraft isn't an "extreme vacation". That sentence makes me think you're retarded. Who the hell gets depressed from not getting a perm ban on a Minecraft server. You don't need to be strong to press the uninstall button. Why does how other people play a game bother you? If you're on a windows system, Click the windows icon. Go to settings. Click system, apps and features. Scroll down and find Minecraft. Click on it then press uninstall.
Feel free to make that permanent. I agree with everything you're typing here but I'm surprised you took the time to do it.