Title speaks for itself. Survival players will commonly group together and create a town, community, anything really. Or even challenge each other to a PvP fight at /warp PvP. However, there is always the risk of hitting your friend, or etc. With this plugin (listed down below) we can expand on Survival a bit more. Give it something new. Something exciting. List of various plugin options, best one (to me) is premium, but worth it. Premium plugin: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/...urable-scoreboard-1-7-1-10-sale-50-off.24729/ Free plugin(s): https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/clans-clan-system-1-7-1-11.22304/ https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/simpleclans.5269/ ======== Known Survival players that may be interested. @StrKillr @DanDeDonut @Andrewswj Do not be offended if I didn't include you in this list. Just can't think of any Survival players with a forum account atm.
Support, if this gets added, I'd be very interested in forming a clan with you, Ares. Back to the old days.
Neutral. The thing that makes me not join a clan on Kitpvp or Oppvp is not being able to hit a teammate. In my opinion, I think a friendly fire plugin would be better as you may not want to team everyone in a clan.