So just going to say this but it is obvious players are not happy about kits being removed, and yet minverse is still loseing more and more players due to changes, so I have a idea on how to bring back kits and still make it fair for all players aka follow the eula, why not set up a buy sign in each gamemode and you can buy the permissions for that kit in each gamemode for how ever much money as the owners put it to be, so now you dont have to pay irl $ to get kits but you can also buy permissions to unlock the kit for yourself, so now all players can have kits, and you have the choice to buy a rank with irl $ or buy permissons to use the kit with in game $.
No support. People would just farm the money for the rank and buy it. How would the server get money?
Opprisons is a perfect example of why this should not happen. People had trillions in 3 days due to a duping bug. People would find a way to dupe and abuse the heck out of it getting themselfvessels and lots of other people ranks in the process.
The EULA states that the players must be able to achieve it in game, so just make the price extremely high? :D
its not buying the the rank with in game money its buying the kit perms with in game money. i know you hate me and all but no need to be rude lol.
I think it's a good idea, but as stated, people WILL farm it and get a bunch of ranks and perks in days.
Yeah but if people figure out how to get rank perks without actually paying, they will obviously go with that unless they would like to support the server. Mineverse would loose money, and we definitely don't want Mineverse going down.
After @Mega_ said that this wouldn't make the server EULA-compliant, I decided to reread your thread. This time around, I noticed something a little unclear about your last sentence. I'm confused. Are you proposing that Mineverse sell permissions for real life currency that allow you to get the kit or are you proposing the ability for players to purchase permanent kits for in-game currency?