So I was thinking that for SkyWars there could be tags for the top 3 people with the most wins, kills, etc. So it would show as, for example, [Top Wins] Bay_Leaf: or [Top Kills] Bay_Leaf: etc.
Support. This would make Skywars a little bit more popular with titles that people can achieve. Giving a reward for winning already encourages hacking, so this won't be much of a problem in that field.
My only thing is this could encourage people to get friends on and let them kill each other and win games so they can get this rank.
#Support. It'll even encourage people to wanna get better at the game. I think it'll benefit both the server and it's players. Maybe this should be a thing for all the game modes obviously excluding sky block and sky grid.
I don't think that prestigious prefixes need to be given. Surely they look cool, but as mentioned above, it would likely encourage unfair play by people competing to take the title and ultimately ruin the game play experience of Skywars.
Now that I think about it, People are saying that its going to bring hackers to skywars because well its something new they want because their greedy but that would make them a hell of a lot more easy to catch in game if *Cough* Mods *Cough* people report them because they will all be playing one game mode. I record every game I play so if this is introduced and the theory is true then I'll have my hands full but thats okay