Hello. I was previously a sponsor on skywars but for some reason I lost my rank. Although this has never happened before it may be because I changed my user? Please let me know how I can get it back. Thanks. -Egg
Hey @BoiledxEgg If you will need to email support@mineverse.com with proof of owning Sponsor, or message cyp In game but don't spam him as he gets spammed alot, Bets of luck with getting this rank back, I am just going to request to move the thread over to doner and donations sub forum If thats ok,
Yes that is ok. And also how do I get proof? I don't have any screenshots and I bought it ages ago so I don't think I still have the email I got as proof for buying it.
You can use a screenshot of you having it on another server. For example you could type '.' in chat on another server and take a screenshot of it so cyp or noobcrew know you have the rank.
I'm afraid not. I checked mineverse and I don't have it there. I also checked to see if I still had the receipt but I didn't find that either. Is there away to check my history or something like that?
The best thing to do is probably message cypriot or support@mineverse.com . You can try to message him in game, but he'll probably say to email him. Good luck!
The screenshot helps if buycraft for some reason doesn't show your purchase, but you don't need it in most cases. I would email Cyp as explained above. Make sure to note your exact IGN and details of your issue. Best of luck to you.