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    Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Ertuiop, Feb 11, 2017.

    1. Ertuiop

      Ertuiop Well-Known Member

      Jan 23, 2016
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      Anyone can make a tbh about anyone on this thread
    2. WiiTarded

      WiiTarded Experienced Member

      May 2, 2016
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    3. Ertuiop

      Ertuiop Well-Known Member

      Jan 23, 2016
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      Here are my tbh's:
      @Sparky - Hey sparky, I know you since more than 1 year now and I loved each moment I spent with you during this time. You're very friendly, caring, nice, understanding and loving, and I can't thank you enough for all what you did for me, for the love and support I received from you and I hope I give it as much as you do. If Mineverse was real life, you'd probably be my mother. Each time I see that you're online, I always get happier and I love playing in-game with you, I hope we can do that more like we used to last year. Remember, if you need help, I'll always be here for you. Ily, as a son. :3
      @sitzoum - Hi sitzoum, you're probably the weirdest person I ever met but you can still be funny and nice, and even though sometimes you talk too weirdly, it's pretty fun to talk with you and talking about memes with you and @Alan on prison last year was hilarious
      @Jexica - Hey jexica, you're really funny, nice and friendly and I loved talking to you on Forums - and I still do, sorry if I didn't talk to you alot in the last months, I'd love spending more time with you in-game or on forums :)
      @Orange1k - hi orange, you and @Deivid0ze were probably my first friends on Mineverse - and some of the bests. You are really generous, friendly, nice and funny. I hope you didn't quit, playing prison with you last year was fun and I'd like play more in-game with you :)
      @blackbear__ - Hey, you're very nice, mature, friendly and I love talking to you, I hope we can do so more and play in-game together :)
      @Teddy - Hi teddy, you're very friendly, caring, funny and like, even if sometimes you can be a creepy teddy
      I'd love to talk with you more on forums or play in-game with you :)
      @Auzzi - hey auzzi, you're very funny, nice, friendly and we used to talk often - I'd love to do so more and play in-game with you :)
      @Arabic Bear - Hi, I remember how when I was younger I was scared of bears but I realized they can be very nice ;) you're pretty friendly and nice and you're one of the only persons on Mineverse that I know that speaks well French, it's fun to speak it with you :)
      @reborn - Hey reborn, you're very funny, friendly, nice and it's very fun to make poke wars with you or speak with you on forums - It'd be also fun to play in-game with you :)
      @IncaMiyuki - Hi, I don't know you since alot of time but I quickly realized that you can be very funny, friendly, nice, and I like talking with you or making poke wars with you ;)
      @PinkComboz - Hey PinkComboz, you're very nice, friendly and I love talking with you on forums :) I also like how your friendliness makes you get friends easily
      @BlueExplorer - Hi Blue, you're pretty nice, friendly, mature and fun to talk with, I like how organized you can be :) Thanks for showing me on Prison some months ago before the reset how to grind MCMMO efficiently :)
      @Wolfie - Hey Wolfie, you're pretty nice, funny and friendly, we don't talk much but I'd like to do so more - and play more in-game with you :)
      @Ruminisque - Hi Ruminisque, you pretty funny, nice and I like how your logic works even though it seems weird for other people, I can understand it
      I didn't make a tbh for everyone I know and like though
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    4. Arabic Bear

      Arabic Bear Well-Known Member

      Sep 25, 2015
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      <3 <3 <3
      Tbh, you are just a funny guy and a lovely friend to speak too, and #FrenchFtw
    5. Ruminisque

      Ruminisque Experienced Member

      Jul 18, 2016
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    6. Syndicade

      Syndicade Boss Member

      Sep 10, 2015
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    7. pandi

      pandi Well-Known Member

      Jun 11, 2016
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    8. unspokenlyrics

      unspokenlyrics Experienced Member

      May 23, 2016
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      tbh that hurt my feelings :( (ilyt)
    9. trinityy

      trinityy stan boba Premium

      Jan 30, 2016
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      I'm not going to make super long ones since I'm about to lose it from Girlscouts because I spent three hours in a trash bag dress (DONT ASK WHAT WE DO)

      @Teddy - Me and you have known each other for a while, and I swear my life has been amazing since the day we started talking. You've managed to put a smile on my face each day, and so much more.

      @Jexica - I guess you can say me and you both have the same thing, trust issues. I trusted you from the start because I knew you were going to be amazing. (I know Toby, Jay, and Sabs won't see this but, this applies for them too ^)

      @EccentricPotato - When we first met, I didn't like you to be honest. You always seemed a little bit... too salty for me. Now that I've talked to you and know you, I regret my first thoughts about you.

      @Syndicade and @Random - When I first started talking to you, I didn't really want you guys around me. Now that we have talked, and I still talk to one of you guys, I want you guys around so much.

      @Wolfie and @Auzzi - Where can I start... You two were always there for me, and I hate so much how we have become so distant. When I first met you, I thought you guys were going to be awful because you two seemed annoying. Now that I talk to you two and I can joke and we three can all be the same together, and I really wish we could talk again.

      @Kymonlyte - Even though you will never see this, or you probably don't even remember me, you were amazing. I miss talking to you so much, and we just met from my pure bordem. The day we met, if I wasn't bored, I don't think I'd be the same.

      @Karmmin - Sara.. Sara.. Sara.. where can I start as well? When we first met, I was seeing something I shouldn't of saw. I thought you were really salty and annoying, and I thought you were rude to everyone. Now that me and you talk, I swear to god, you are amazing. You are nice to everyone, and weird which I really enjoy because we can be weird buddies.<3

      I'll add more later.
    10. sircorgi

      sircorgi Boss Member

      Nov 28, 2014
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      awh <3
    11. sitzoum

      sitzoum Experienced Member

      Feb 20, 2014
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      Thanks. Now that club penguin is closing it is time for me to move on making less edgy pepes. memes*
    12. Sain

      Sain Active Member

      Feb 4, 2016
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      Oh wow....Where do I start? (not all of the people I am gonna mention have forum accounts so sorry)

      @blackbear__ T R I N I O. Oh my god you have been such a good friend to me I know I can seem annoying/rude most of the time. Yet you are still my friend I don't know HOW you deal with me. I am so glad that through all the fights we've had we stuck together and worked it out. I am so grateful and blessed to have a friend like you by my side. I love you so so so so much!

      @DanDeDonut Dan we have probably only been talking for a few weeks +. But you have been such a good friend. You are the only friend I have right now that shows his affection for food with a Minecraft IGN and a skin lol. You are funny, kind and just a good person to a lot of people. I love you also!

      @michael (Who I think is FxntaPanda I don't know) ANYWAYS. When I first met you...ehh well. You seemed very very quiet cause you barley talked. It seemed like you were Afk 24/7. I didn't really think I was gonna be friends with you because you we're reporting players back and forth and having fights I thought you were on just to report people. But I was wrong! :expressionless:. I soon learned after we started becoming friends that you were a nice person who didn't come on just to report people. You are very funny in a creepy way which I don't know if that's a good thing or not I am still trying to figure it out.... lol. But either way you are a good friend. I love you also.

      (This one doesn't have a forums account) Shalamalama24 aka Shalllyyy. Shally when I first met you I didn't really think you we're someone I would talk to. But we started talking A LOT more and I have came to discover you are a very good person you are funny and no matter how many times you call yourself stupid Not ONE BIT of it is true. Hopefully we keep talking like usual I don't know why we wouldn't but things happen. But I know if something did happen we would work it out and still be friends! I love you!

      (This one doesn't have an account on forums either but I still had to mention her) GamerFox21! Oh my lord My sweet sweet Gamer <3. You we're my FIRST friend on mineverse. You understood me like no one has before. You are sweet, kind, funny and obviously lovable!!!! :cat: I talked to you about EVERYTHING I felt safe telling you secrets and I knew you could keep them just between you and me. You are such a great person. You make me feel blessed and I hope you feel the same way! Of course I love you with all my heart <3 I hope we stay in touch and stay friends for as long as we can! <3

      So to all of my friends out there I love you all. You guys have dealt with me and I honestly don't know how. You guys have all helped me all through tough times even when I wasn't understanding of you're problems sometimes. I appreciate you ALL for that more then anything!. <3
      I love all of you like I said before! (sorry if I said that to much) Well I will end it here Good bye everyone <3
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    13. DanDeDonut

      DanDeDonut Experienced Member

      Apr 8, 2016
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      You're so sweet <3 Just like the donuts in my photo
    14. Mega_

      Mega_ Boss Member

      Aug 1, 2014
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    15. WhyteDuck

      WhyteDuck Boss Member

      Apr 3, 2016
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      @KylieJenner is my girlfriend
    16. Teddy

      Teddy Well-Known Member

      Jan 31, 2016
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      Aw thanks, also sorry I don't get to play in-game with you guys anymore. Because, well, you know, there's... school and... I get a little bored... yeah.
    17. follow me

      follow me Experienced Member

      Mar 20, 2016
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      @Bailxy Stop itttt. your so annoying. remember I know your password lol
    18. baile y

      baile y Well-Known Member

      Feb 7, 2016
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      uh nu u dont :t:

      @Jexica - You have a great personality. You're hilarious for unknown reasons (lol) You're an awesome friend and ily tons:stoned:

      @leafu You are an amazing leaf who draws:artist::write:. You're funny and great m8. Continue your work I bet you'll get f@m0u$!!11!

      @longed I hope you get this msg, Idk if you will, but please don't leave MV for good. Take a small break if you need it, but honestly you are amazing. We were pretty close back then even tho we only talked on forums. ♡♡ ly

      @Methylone notice me:lurk:

      @moosay We don't talk much anymore, but you were hilarious and awesome.

      @Queen Danielle.... I wish you would come back and get this. We were so close before you left. I remember we started out as "enemies" and we hated each other, but we have know each other for about a year now, and I really miss you. You're so amazing and practically my best friend on MV lysm♡♡♡♡♡

      @renderinq you are my newest frend here

      @Janice999 @DinoDuck You guys are both incredible friends and mods (either past or now). You always made me smile when I was down. Lots of love ♡

      @blackbear__ You're adorable. You're a great friend and I hope we play IG more:what:
      • Like Like x 3
    19. Enderkiller77

      Enderkiller77 Experienced Member

      Jan 4, 2016
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    20. Kymonlyte

      Kymonlyte Experienced Member

      Sep 17, 2014
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      Guess who saw this <3
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