Staff are unfair to you? please. And we all can see this is just another attention-seeking thread. You're still active on the forums and posting, and I'm not going to take "oh I'm going to leave after" or "just a few posts before I part from MV" as an excuse.
Um? What? If you want to, we can talk about this and I can see if I can help in any way? I really hate to see players leave :(
^^ I saw him in game yesterday and I said something about his 'quit', and he said he did, he literally said he is on just to talk to his friends, then he left to go play on Parkour... People these days don't make any sense.
Bro... sad to see you go; I know you've been talking about this for a while =( Wish situations were better, but life is harsh... good luck in life Beast =)
I'm surprised how many people have supposedly been here since 2013 but I never met them on the server. But yeah idfk you but bue I guess.