I know that this has been suggested MANY times. But I thought that I would suggest it with a Video. To prevent scamming I added a plugin called weeTrade to my server. I was testing some Trade plugins and I thought that this plugin worked out very good. It is a very safe plugin, both players need to ACCEPT and CONFIRM. Here is a video clip from the /Trade plugin: Plugin: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/weetrade-trading-plugin-1-8-x.6046/ It stood no Permission at first, but then I tried to go to Permissions and add: - trade - trade.ignore - trade.accept And it worked Commands: /trade (player) /trade accept (player) /trade ignore If you want to ignore all trades that are sent to you, you can do /trade ignore And /trade ignore again to disable it
I just checked, I dont think money can be traded using this plugin. Maybe some how, I dont know. Thanks for the support anyways
Support. The only thing I think should be added to the plugin is that you can trade with money as well as just items.
Thanks for your Supports Yea, I don't know if there is any way, maybe the developers can make it somehow. Thanks for the Support
Support, I've personally used this on my server back In the day and It was a legit and easy way not to get scammed.
Pretty sure you can if you use a different form of currency. I'll figure out which plugin it is later. But yeah support.