What I'm suggesting that on Archer Pvp, OpPvp, and KitPvp, there's a choice to duel someone in a specially made arena (Won't be too big, just big enough for a 1v1) which I suggest to build on the map, that way people can watch a fight but not interfere with some barriers put in place. The command for this could be /duel [player] and if you accept, the person dueling you can choose what kit to fight with, such as OP, diamond, iron, etc. That way it's equal and you don't have to go through the trouble of getting your inventory and armour ready. I'll be taking suggestions for kits (Include enchants or not, if you don't I'll assume it's normal gear and make it so) so leave those down below. If you support, great! If you have time make a kit of your own and I'll put it on a list or something. If you don't, tell me why and I could maybe work on that. I'm all open for idea's and suggestions. Kits Spoiler: EccentricPotato - Colonel Spoiler: NuttelleSr's Ideal Kit
Support You could add this to the kit list, I suggested to add that a few months ago (it wouldn't have a cooldown nor cost money as a dueling kit but after duels the winning player wouldn't keep it)
Ty all Yeah of course, I can add those to the list and maybe ask a few others on ideas. I don't want to make it too "Bad Lion" however, with all of the kits being taken from there. Ty for the support btw
tyy tru, but I mean not steal all of their kits. We can "borrow" some, right? hekhekhekhek ty for the support all
A lot of proper Premium spigot plugins (and others) offer great 1 versus 1 options with additional features, custom kits, custom effects, scoreboards, etc. This would hype it up a bit and create something new to Mineverse. Unfortunately, this is another thing that is new to Mineverse, but known to various servers already. You have my support.