tbh no idea who you are we've only talked a few times, but you're pretty cool imo! tbh you seem sorta stuck up and you seem like a kiss up. tbh i didnt like u bc of ur cheesy countrygrill name, but ily now. i srs have no idea who u r youre a good friend c; one of the sweetest mods, DW theres alot of those, but ilysm!! and disney server is so fun with u 3 words I loVE u and ur like my best friend includiong mango juice racist dorito and rodent and bailee and floralgirl hm. hm? i mean tbh you were sorta salty at first, but like now i know youre a good person, so yeah, c; u a re agood friend omg ur like my sister and i want to play creative with u sometime and ily
no idea who u r ik ur bad at mc :') yes i do :: <3 you're a chill person we have not spoken in a while but you are a v sweet person