Since I have been playing op pvp for a long time it has come to my attention that the eco system is messed up and that almost everyone has so much gear. I believe the server needs a restart to be honest.
I will get screen shots of how many pv's I have of gear it's honestly not fun anymore. I want to start fresh so gear wont be as common and it will be a bit more fun to pvp.
It's not that it's annoying its the fact that everyone has the gear and it has no value anymore so it's kind of boring for me I dont know if other people feel the same way.
Maybe it's boring for you, but it's not for almost everyone else. Op PvP doesn't need a reset yet. Maybe change the map, but not a reset.
Even if it is reset, Kids will just afk for sets again it will change nothing. Agreed the map is boring now they need a reset of the map but not the stuff, Change the theme to like Hell or something. Let the build team loose on it for a week or something XD
Yes DanD Yes i see your point it will just be the same thing never mind but I do agree they should change up the spawn and the map.
If this is a suggestion, shouldn't this be in the suggestion section? Or is this just a discussion about the needed reset?