No support. Some people like to sneaky unfollow people just to get their follow :P Anyways, it would be best not to know if someone unfollowed you, it's unnecessary
It isn't really your decision whether my opinion is valid or not. I don't like that drama this would cause, the friendship problems. It's unorthodox.
No need to go on the defensive. I don't care about your opinion on this matter. I was only noting that you used the word incorrectly.
People could easily spam it. And people tend to notice they've been unfollowed by someone and they get rlly upset about it. With this notification it's only going to get worse. No support, sorry.
I kind of feel that because a majority of people aren't supporting this, all the others have jumped on the bandwagon and said "No Support" too; but alright, I respect your opinions.
No support. I'd rather have a few days until they realise to think of an excuse other than "you suck".
Yea, but there already is drama. People figure it out eventually that people unfollowed them lol Neutral for this, because there isn't a NEED for it, but it wouldn't hurt to add it.
I've never seen a benefit of following someone on a xenforo forum. I feel like people shouldn't get worked up if this gets accepted. I'll support this because people should know if they really care about it.