lists the youtuber rank. This is clearly not a staff position, but an honorary one. So probably move it so newer members don't go asking the youtubers for advice.
Support. Maybe there can just be a thread that lists all of the YouTubers instead of having them on the member list and/or make a separate tab just for them.
Support. YouTubers aren't staff members, though they may be given certain commands or permissions or information regarding the way Mineverse operates. This would clear things up, and less false information would be given out in the future.
And even if they were, a person with 1000 subscribers and makes videos for mineverse doesn't deserve to be above the staff managers.
I highly doubt a new member would ask someone with a youtube rank a question though they might as they ask me sometimes and I'm not so special
No Support. This really isn't needed. Youtuber's are apart of the staff team, as they help advertise the server. Staff aren't just people who ban the hackers or warn the chat bypasses. If someone needed help, they could either direct them to a mod or help them.
Lol the salt. (but true) So you are calling someone staff for giving them an honorary role to recognize the work they are already doing (making videos about Mineverse)? Why not just call all Forums experienced member a staff? They obviously are active and have been here for a while? They are just doing what they normally do (posting etc).
Staff Definition: all the people employed by a particular organization. Experienced members aren't staff because they aren't employed for volunteering on this server. However, youtubers are.
Well, I assume that this is not the meaning of staff since none of you are getting paid: give work to (someone) and pay them for it. So it is: make use of. How is the server making use of youtubers? Youtubers are not contributing to the health and well being of the server, only promoting it. But they are already promoting the server before receiving the rank. Thus it is a honorary role.
They aren't staff members though. They advertise the server, but I don't see staff doing that. Support
They use them to gain popularity. No support because staff is anyone who's employed by the server like @Wolfie said.