Mineverse Youtuber Trophies Hey everyone basically the title explains most of it, once you get mineverse youtuber, you will receive 5-20 trophy points. Just like how when members get promoted to staff they get 5 trophy points. Reasoning why I think it should be more trophy points like 10 because the requirements are really difficult and very time consuming(debatable) Which staff is 50 post count and 2 weeks as member. You guys decide how many trophies it should be, no arguments please. Thank you for reading <3
You want YouTuber trophies to be 20 points? No Support. When you get staff, that means you've done a multitude of reports, you help the community daily and are actively banning, evidencing and logging. I think maybe when the YouTuber brings in a larger community, or player base then yeah :D
5-20 yet it takes longer to build a big channel than make reports with the amount of hackers on the server already.
I understand it takes a while, but 20 points is a lot.. My point is, we should give it to those who help the server, not just those with a YouTube channel, if you get me. You shouldn't really be doing it for the benefits or perks.
I'll change my decision to a support if the title was only worth 5. Mods aren't higher than YouTubers, YouTubers aren't higher than mods; it's more a sentimental trophy rather than a trophy to give you points.
When was I getting mad? I was stating that I support the idea, as long as it's 5 points, not something large like 20. I read the post. I'm saying the trophy would be better with 5 points ;)
I'd support it to be 5 trophy points as I think anywhere higher than that would be too much. I'm aware that it takes a long time to get 1k subscribers and a good amount of views within 24 hours, but similarly with any staff role, it takes time. I have about 800 videos of mainly dedicated to hackers and if someone told me that was easy and not time consuming... Hopefully you can understand from that perspective.
I think it should be the same as staff honestly. Yes I did read the post so don't go off on me. My reason being that we really never promote people with just 2 weeks and 50 messages. It is often much higher.
I'm fine with 5. Yes, I understand it is hard to meet the requirements for YouTuber, but it isn't easy to get staff. I know I worked very hard to get staff and that I still work hard. I feel like if you make it more than 5 then people will get the idea that YouTubers are better than mods and I just don't think people should think that way. I feel like we should be equals if anything.