Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by SpiderVenom_, Jan 28, 2017.
@tHoraks @InsertEdgyName
@Auzzi @canucksfan44 @UncleUrnesto
"guy" ;-;
see at least someone appreciates my beauty @Policy
@reborn. for sure Jokes on me
@Ant_Pearl @Kenju @Sando3
Funny because you didn't include me
You're not a guy
I can be whatever I want to be
No you can't
@tin15cro ;) ;) ;)
This is murica you can too.
Auzzi doesn't live in Merica
That was a joke right Hekhekehek
right back at you baby girl
@Mvdi @Voguified sexiest boys out there
not as handsome as you though <33