so there been people using strength pot on oppvp lately and idk how to get it. its a hacked item and i have proof someone been using it. i just need a video compresser... to upload it
they do. splash and drink. go test it with instaheals sir i play oppvp and factions i kow my facts. jandalboi got some proof of it just he had to go...
From what I have heard the strength potions arent hacked in :p All you do to get them is get an instant health potion from and kit and a blaze rod from /kit god in one of the buildings there are some brew stands ask Daddy if you dont understand ;)
So they aren't hacked in basically what you do is use the public kits and get the instant health potions that you get from the kits they are splash btw, Then you go do a /kit god or whatever kit has a Blaze Rod and then turn it into Blaze Powder go to the building near the Bar if you know where that is located and then go put the items in the brewing stand and let it brew grab the potions and go fight ;p.
ty remove the post plz i don't want any one knowing how :P btw daddyHF trade. how to make strength pot for money on prison.