Hello everyone, I suggest that the ability to upload files is added to Conversations. Please vote with ratings Support/Neutral/No Support and explain if you are Neutral/Not Supporting. ~EccentricPotato
Neutral. I don't know if it would be possible? From what I've seen from the plugin on my forums I was only able to add it to forums.
Not ratings, please. I'm unsure about here but I'm pretty sure moderators can't view conversations and no doubt about it some serious rate abuse could go on. However I would like files. : )
I fully agree with this. So much junk goes on in conversations as it is, and since they cannot be viewed by staff, it would make it virtually impossible to prevent rate abuse.
I know I just said Support, but after reading it fully, I don't agree with this. Ratings in conversations is just a disaster waiting to happen, and if even the staff can check, why would we want to add more work to their already busy moderating duties?
I did read the edited suggestion. I just don't see how it would be feasible to do. It would give moderators privy to private conversations, and they should remain private. It's just not something that is needed in my opinion. If you agree with something someone said, just tell them that you agree/disagree. No ratings needed. I think that this would be a way of farming ratings.
No support for the ratings, it's completely unnecessary and mods don't need to be looking through everyone's private convos to deal with rate abuse. Don't think it's possible either I support for uploading files if that's possible
Due to all the No Supports, I removed the suggestion of adding ratings to conversations but kept the other suggestion of adding the ability to upload files to conversations.