Definition of society minus the part about the popular people taking advantage of the fact that they are popular.
Yeah, I've noticed that the "popular" people are usually the ones who rank highest in the servers. They typically have the most support and help through gameplay giving them a huge advantage. But that's life, don't expect people to be very different in the real world.
The popular players are the players that dominate gameplay, donate alot (ALOT), staff members (seriously, 7:10 staff members are more popular than the actual freaking owner of the server) and other people who have big alliances.
the solution to your problem is called "building a reputation". You can't blame people for not talking to you or noticing you if they don't know who you are. You have to interact with other people to be known. No famous person or movie actor got to where they are by sitting at their computer all day complaining on a Minecraft forum website.
Not that hard to make buds, just don't ask for free stuff all the time and try to be helpful, most of the time people who constantly ask for free stuff and such are ignored. Also get yourself a catchy ign (idk whats yours) for people to easily recognize you.
It's happened to everyone, so don't worry if this is new or if you've only been kicked to the curb. Unless one is some celebrity irl, most people will have to go through the stages and levels of a community, and accept where they're at. Once they are known for doing something great, they escalate in popularity and boom. I can say this was something that I went through, not only on MV but other communities, online and irl. But hey I can be your friend if you want
yeah you were rlly lame back then I remember we became friends on Infection then I realised you joined the forums from a report you done (I lounge around the archive sometimes) and yeah we hit it off from there
well if it wasn't for my stalky skills we wouldn't have been besties like we are now you should thank me