So i thought what about more prestiges. Lets make them for human so we can balance the bow and egg. And make it more fun for the humans ;) Prestige 11: Healing 1 pot that heals 4 hearts + weakness 1 for 5 seconds. gets removed when you hit p15. Prestige 12: Speed 1 pot that lasts 20 seconds. gets removed when you hit p18. Prestige 13: Upgrade iron pants from protection 1 to protection 2. will be kept all the way. Prestige 14: Upgrade iron chestplate from protection 1 to protection 2. will be kept all the way. Prestige 15: A healing pot that heals 6 hearts + weakness 2 for 10 seconds. gets removed when you hit p19. Prestige 16: Start with 2 snowballs. will be kept all the way Prestige 17: Start with 1 airstrike .will be kept all the way Prestige 18: Milk bucket to cancel out the eggs. removed when you get p19 Prestige 19: Strength 1 pot for 40 sec. gets removed when you hit p20 Prestige 20: 2 extra hearts. NOTE: This is my opinion so you don't have to agree with me at all. If you have any improvements comment them below.
Prestige is meant to buff up zombies, not humans. Good ideas anyway, maybe a separate ranking system will be added.
Would you keep your perks all the way through just like with zombies? This sounds a little OP with the effects you have suggested, I like the idea though.
I support this only if humans get only the perk of their current prestige ranks, if a Prestige 20 player gets all the perks of Prestige 11 from Prestige 20 it would be too OP. It should be like this too for zombies.
Neutral, prestige is to buff up zombie kits not human kits. Also, If a player has p20 they will be super OP as human and zombie and they will be hard to kill all together.
Yeah, people reaching p20 will be op, but /kit god and /kit titan used to be op too. Still they got easily killed by people having p5+ so I don't think it will be too op.