Hello there! My name is Firo, but I don't mid if you call me Firo, Fernando, or Ferny. I'm almost currently a Junior in high school. I live in sunny California. I'm 15 at the moment (yes, I was born in late 1998 :p.) I'm the world's biggest nub. My favorite color is black. My ign is Firo3000. My thought of my dog made me create this unique username that lots of people question, what is a Firo? Well there you go, that is my dog I joined the forums on March 14, butI joined Mineverse during late August. My good friend jarroyonaples told me to join the forums, eventually I did. I joined Mineverse looking for some Infection servers and I stumbled across Mineverse. Infection was the only gamemode I played when I joined, but I started to get into other gamemode such as Skyblock, KitPvP, etc. I try my best to circulate through all the gamemodes. What do I do besides play Minecraft? Well, as being the oldest one in my family, I have to help out around the house. Besides, doing chores, I have a PS4 which collects dust on occasions when there isn't a game that doesn't catch my attention I also play soccer. I don't play it at the moment because I had problems with my last coach, but I'm trying to play next year for my school. Some traits that describe me: I am shy, friendly, quiet, optimistic, sort of a lone wolf, very energetic, and a huge Pokémon nerd :P Well, this is my intro. Hope you guys like it If you have questions about me, please reply down below Other than that have a nice day P.S. This is my 600th post :t:
Thanks! No, but I wish of owning one :( Hello! Yea, lots of people are going to be amazed that I made an intro. Huehuehue who are you calling a nub? :t:
Welcome to the forums, cute dog btw! If you need any assistance or help with anything, please ask me! I hope you enjoy the forums, I can see you've already gotten to know the community!
Who is dis nub? :t Never seen you ever. Jks. You finally made an intro! :P Dat pic of Firo doe, so cute. *_* But welcome to the forums you nub.
Hello Beef! Thanks I would like to dedicate many people for the accomplishment of the number of posts He makes everyone happy Thanks jadey! I'll tell him that when he wakes up Thanks! xD Well hello there Kubasliz! Hello buddy! :> Yes, this was probably the best time to showcase him :o I've never seen you before Yes, I've finally made one. Firo is not as cute as someone :rolleyes: Thanks! Nub :t: