Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Herf, Jan 14, 2017.
for any 1 wonderong
Thank you.
Dang Thanks bro I could use this. You're thread is the best ever.
^^^^^ Love that vid... jacks forehead takes up the whole video tho
Thank herf 11/10 helpfulness yessir
damn y aren't u an english teacher yet???
i am
I honestly think this was how half of this community was educated.
Thanks for teaching me how to grammar
I think you just raised my IQ 200 more then it usually was.
omg tank u herd 4 teeching mee hoaw to gramer!!!
I'm worried that some people are gonna take this as true info
I just realized that the information is false ;-; Why am I so bad
teach me more
Shouldn't this be in the "Guides and "How To"" Sub-Section in the Help section?