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  • A Guide to Forums

    Discussion in 'Guides & "How To"' started by Random, Jan 8, 2017.

    1. Random

      Random Legendary Member Premium

      Feb 25, 2016
      Likes Received:
      This is a guide that will explain some of the common questions people have about forums. You can read it all or you can Control + F to find something specific.

      This is a guide to the forums. However, our forums rules can be found here.
      Our in-game rules can be found here. A more in-depth version of our in-game rules can be found here, and server specific rules can be found here.

      Each section has words that are red, which if clicked on will show you images explaining exactly what you need to click.

      A note to new members

      When you first make an account, you will not be able to rate anything and your posts will have to be approved first. After 25 messages you will be able to rate. After 5 to 10 posts, your posts will no longer need to be approved by moderators. Please be sure to read the rules linked above, as they are strictly enforced here.

      How to: Make a Forums Account

      Step 1: Click the orange signup button as shown in this picture.
      Step 2: A bar will pop up at the top.
      Change the bubble from Yes, my password is: to No, create an account now. You need to enter an email, where the red box is.
      Step 3: This page will come up. Enter all of the information.
      Step 4: /key does not work for some people, so the verification key, needed here, is mvkey=7151. You must enter the whole thing.
      Step 5: Agree to the terms and services and click Sign Up.

      How to: Make a Ban Appeal

      Step 1: Click the forums button, as shown here.
      Step 2: Scroll down until you see ban appeals, as shown here, and click it.
      Step 3: You will see this, click Ban Appeals again.
      Step 4: Click Post a New Thread, as shown here.
      Step 5: This will appear. Make sure to follow the format.
      Step 6: Title your ban appeal as: Your name [Reason banned] [Mod who banned you]
      Make sure to select the game mode you were banned on as a prefix, as shown here.
      Step 7: Click Create Thread, as shown here.

      How to: Report a Player/Staff/Glitch

      Step 1: Click the forums button, as shown here.
      Step 2: Scroll down until you see Report, as shown here, and click it.
      Step 3: You will see this, click Reports again.
      Step 4: This will come up and you decide which section you need
      Step 5: For Bugs/Glitches:
      - Click Post a New Thread, as shown here.
      - This will show up. Make sure to fill out the template exactly.
      - Click Create Thread, as shown here.
      Step 5: For Player Reports (the same as forums reports and staff reports):
      - Click Post a New Thread, as shown here.
      - This will show up. Make sure to fill out the template exactly.
      Note: Gyazo gifs for hacking are not accepted. Only full screen shots are accepted, no edited or cropped screen shots are accepted. Only videos of your full minecraft screen will be accepted, no cropped or edited videos are allowed.
      Note: This is how the template looks for forums reports and this is how the template looks for staff reports.

      How to: Report a Post on Forums

      When a post on a thread or on your profile breaks a rule, you are allowed to report it. There is a report button, as shown here on threads
      and here
      on profile comments, which will alert a moderator and it will be dealt with. When you click report, this will appear. State what rule the post broke and click the Report Post button.

      How to: Apply for Moderator

      Step 1: Click the forums button, as shown here.
      Step 2: Scroll down until you see Moderator Applications, as shown here, and click it.
      Step 3: Make sure you meet the requirements, as stated here.
      - 50 Post Count (The ways to gain these messages are explained in the Messages Explained section)
      - Two Factor Authentication (which you can find out how to set up here)
      - Two weeks registered on the forums
      - Teamspeak or Skype
      Step 4: Click Post a New Thread, as shown here.
      Step 5: Make your application. Be sure to follow this template.
      Step 6: Click Create Thread, as shown here.
      • Like Like x 3
      Last edited: Jan 8, 2017
    2. Random

      Random Legendary Member Premium

      Feb 25, 2016
      Likes Received:
      Hot to: Change Your Username

      Step 1: Hover over your name in the top right as shown below.
      Step 2: Click Personal Details, as shown here.
      Step 3: Scroll down until you see User Name Change on the menu on the left.
      Step 4: Enter your password and what you want your new username to be.
      Step 5: Click Change Name, as shown below.

      How to: Post/Make a Thread

      Step 1: Figure out what kind of thread it is and go to the section you want to post it in.
      Step 2: Click Post a New Thread, as shown here.
      Step 3: Write your thread
      Step 4: Click Create Thread, as shown here.

      How to: Get a Signature

      Step 1: Hover over your name in the top right, as shown here.
      Step 2: Click Signature, as shown here.
      This will show up, excluding the picture.
      Step 3: Type whatever you want to type. To insert an image click this icon and insert the link to the image.
      Step 4: After entering what you want for your signature, click save changes, which can be found here.
      If you are having issues inserting an image in your signature, please refer to this thread.

      How to: Private Message/Start a Conversation with Someone

      Step 1: Hover over Inbox on the top right.
      Step 2: Click Start a New Conversation, as shown here.
      This will show up.
      Step 3: Enter the forums name of the person you want to start a conversation with here.
      Step 4: Title the conversation where it says Conversation Title
      Step 5: Type what you want the message to say in the blank section.
      Step 6: Click Start a Conversation, as shown here.


      Step 1: Click their Profile Picture or name. This will appear.
      Step 2: Click Start a Conversation, as shown here.
      This will show up. Their name will already be there.
      Step 3: Title the conversation where it says Conversation Title.
      Step 4: Type what you want the message to say.
      Step 5: Click Start a Conversation, as shown here.

      How to: Change Your Profile Picture/Get a Profile Picture

      Step 1: Hover over your name in the top right, as shown here.
      Step 2: Click Your Profile Page, as shown here.
      Step 3: Click on your profile picture, or the automatic profile picture, shown here.
      This will appear.
      Step 4: Click Choose File. Find your picture on your computer and hit upload.
      Step 5: Click Okay.

      How to: See Someones Previous Names/Recent Activity

      Step 1: Go to their profile page.
      Step 2: For Previous Names: Click on the Previous Names tab, as shown here. If it is not there, then they do not have any previous names.
      Step 3: This will show up and it will show their previous names.
      Step 4: For Recent Activity: Click on the Recent Activity tab, as shown here.
      Step 5: This will show up and it will show their recent activity.

      How to: Reply to a Thread/Specific Comment on a Thread

      Step 1: Go to the thread.
      Step 2: To reply to a comment: Click the Reply button, as shown here.
      It will look like this.
      Step 3: Comment what you want to reply and hit Post Reply, which can be found here.
      Step 4: To reply to a specific thread: Scroll to the bottom and find this box.
      Step 5: Type what you want to respond with.
      Step 6: Click Post reply, which can be found here.

      How to: Reply to a Message on Your Profile

      Step 1: Find the message you want to reply to.
      Step 2: Hit the comment button, found here.
      This will show up.

      Step 3: Type what you want to reply.
      Step 4: Click Post Comment, as shown here.

      How to: Comment on Someones Profile

      Step 1: Go to their Profile
      Step 2: Scroll down a bit until a box like this appears.
      Step 3: Write what you want to comment.
      Step 4: Click Post, which can be found here.

      Forums Tabs Explained

      Home: Will show you the latest Important Announcements posted by @CypriotMerks
      Forums: Where threads are.
      Staff Team: Will show the members of the staff team and what their rank is. You can go to their profile by clicking on their name.
      Members: Shows members. Shows what members have a birthday that day. Shows notable members. You can search for members here,
      on the right hand side of the Members tab.
      Shop: Will take you to the MV shop to buy ranks and in-game perks.
      Vote: Will take you to the link to vote for Mineverse.
      Rules: The rules of the server.
      WiKi: Explains all of the game modes Mineverse has to offer.
      Bans: Will take you so you can look up bans.
      Dubrack: Will take you to the Official Mineverse Dubtrack.

      Messages Explained

      You can see the amount of messages you have on your profile here,
      or on the home tab here.
      You can gain messages by posting in the News and Announcements, Changelog, Introductions, Discussion, Suggestions, Moderator Applications, Reports, and Help.
      When you reply to a thread in any of those sections, you gain a message. However, if you spam reply, or reply to too many threads in a short period of time, you could be punished for post farming. Try not to reply to too many threads in too short of a time.

      Sections of the Forums Explained

      News and Announcements: Where important threads about the server are posted.
      Changelog: Where threads explaining changed made about the server are posted.
      Introductions: Where people can introduce themselves to the server.
      Discussion: Threads discussing topics about the server.
      Suggestions: Where people can post suggestions they have about the server.
      Off-Topic: Threads that do not relate to the server.
      Moderator Applications: Where people can apply for moderator.
      Ban Appeals: Where people can appeal bans that they do not agree with.
      Report: Where players can report other player/staff/glitches.
      Help: Where players can post threads to receive help.
      Archive: Where closed threads are moved.
      • Like Like x 6
      Last edited: Jan 14, 2017
    3. Surge

      Surge Boss Member

      Sep 16, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Great Thread This will help all the new players out a lot and make It easier to explain to them, :)
    4. bare

      bare Well-Known Member

      Sep 9, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Thanks !!
    5. V3rmillion

      V3rmillion Active Member

      Oct 21, 2016
      Likes Received:
      I wish i knew that before i made a thread on Help.I felt like a big fat idi..om :P
    6. Ruminisque

      Ruminisque Experienced Member

      Jul 18, 2016
      Likes Received:
      I am pretty sure the mvkey has changed for Mineverse.
    7. WhyteDuck

      WhyteDuck Boss Member

      Apr 3, 2016
      Likes Received:
      Nice guide, very helpful for the new comers.
    8. Random

      Random Legendary Member Premium

      Feb 25, 2016
      Likes Received:
      No, it has not. I told someone it yesterday and it worked.
    9. Ruminisque

      Ruminisque Experienced Member

      Jul 18, 2016
      Likes Received:
      When I had to make a new account, I had to use the key and it was not what you said it was.
    10. Syndicade

      Syndicade Boss Member

      Sep 10, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Is this why you stayed up late last night, ma'am??
    11. Random

      Random Legendary Member Premium

      Feb 25, 2016
      Likes Received:
      Strange, it works for most people.

      No lol. I made this a while ago :P
    12. Syndicade

      Syndicade Boss Member

      Sep 10, 2015
      Likes Received:
      The DO's and DO NOT's thread I made is much better. ;) ;)
    13. ferras

      ferras Legendary Member

      Dec 31, 2013
      Likes Received:
      This is nice, thank you! Also, maybe you should ask merkz to add like a notification for new players when the create their account, that notification has a link to this thread. Then they can click it, and go to this thread, and learn.
    14. Random

      Random Legendary Member Premium

      Feb 25, 2016
      Likes Received:
      Thanks! I doubt that would happen lol. That would be neat though.
    15. sircorgi

      sircorgi Boss Member

      Nov 28, 2014
      Likes Received:
      There should be a tab of a how to forums where the Home, Forums, Bans and those other tabs are

      It'd be rlly helpful
    16. IExo_

      IExo_ Experienced Member

      Jan 20, 2016
      Likes Received:
      Im new here...i don't understand plz help
    17. sircorgi

      sircorgi Boss Member

      Nov 28, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Click on your name on the top right corner, and scroll down to log out, then click that. Then never go on the forums ever again
    18. WiiTarded

      WiiTarded Experienced Member

      May 2, 2016
      Likes Received:
      is this... advanced next level post farming :eek:
    19. Max

      Max Janice's Mentor Premium

      Apr 16, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Ok I'll try that
    20. sircorgi

      sircorgi Boss Member

      Nov 28, 2014
      Likes Received:
      You can thank me later

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