Skywars' Team Hello, so today, I was playing with some of my friends in Skywars today. So, while playing, I realize something. When you join skywars, it says 'FFA' So, @Delta asked, "Why is it called FFA if people still team." With that being said, I'd suggest a team-based skywars mode. This will be fair for those who don't have friends to play with. Possibly, if this idea gets implemented, I'd also suggest making a rule on teaming in the 'FFA' gamemode. If you do decide to no support and or neutral, please state something useful, anything which has no relevance to this topic, I'm deleting them. Thank you.
Neutral on this suggestion. A teamed based Skywars would be nice. However, we don't need to separate the game-mode. If we expand the lobby/create a new design (not even necessary), which by the way is long overdue, we can create two portals. A portal for FFA and one for a team based Skywars. We do not need to create two different game-modes for this.
Support4Support as in youtube sub4sub. I support the team mode idea where players can basically go to the team mode game other than teaming in the FFA mode.
Sorry, it probably was inactive but thanks fr the support. Ty That should be a punishable if this gamemode is added.