I've noticed for a long time that people get banned for saying something in chat, they don't cheat, scam, and ruin the gameplay. Yet, these people get up to a month ban for a chat offence, I do agree saying such things in chat is wrong and should be punished. Swearing - No punishment The rules says you can get muted for cursing, but honestly the word is blocked anyway, so what harm does it do? Flaming/Spam/Filter Bypass - Keep it the same This punishment in the rules is 100% justified and should be kept. Advertising - Keep it the same Again this punishment is justified Here comes the controversy: Racism/Discrimination/Sexism: 1-3 day MUTE Currently this is a ban instead of a mute for which I have to remind everyone, a chat offence. He/she is not ruining physical gameplay only the chat, so they should be punished in chat. This punishment will do just fine for the offence committed. Staff Disrespect: 1-3 day mute Another chat offence that should also receive a mute. Here comes the most controversy: Death Threats: 1-3 day mute A 30 day ban? A 30 day ban for a chat offence? This is the most excessive rule I have seen on any server/community ever. Like everything else I've mentioned, it is a CHAT offence. It should not punishable with a ban at all, let alone 30 days. If you don't want to see someone speak in chat, you can either turn off your chat in options or /ignore <username>. The current chat punishments, in my opinion are unjustified and need to been lightened up. This is my opinion so please don't bash it. I'll appreciate constructive feedback from people who decide to neutral/no support. Note: This thread is a suggestion to change punishments in the rules.
I feel like certain actions require a longer/worse punishment based on severity. Not just a 3 day mute at max.
No support. You, and other people, may not find some things that break the rules very offensive, but there are many people that do. Mineverse has these rules implemented and enforced to protect its users. If you do not break the rules, you'll have nothing to worry about. I find people only complain about the rules or punishments when they break a said rule and receive a punishment.
Doesn't have to be 3 days, it was just a recommendation. My main point was mute > ban. Thanks for your opinion I've been banned once for staff disrespect (I tried giving feedback, but I was rude about it, and didn't intend to be disrespectful), but it got handled and I got unbanned early and I don't intend on breaking the chat rules again. I'm offended that people are getting long bans for something that doesn't break the game (I.e. hacking, scamming, etc) . Mutes and bans have the same result for chat offenses except they are revoked of their playing privileges, and they did nothing wrong in the actual game. People can also turn off chat or ignore people who offend them. Thanks for your feedback!
Actually extreme chat related offenses do ruin the game. You think someone can have fun playing on Mineverse when all they see in chat is someone saying a bunch of mean, hurtful and inappropriate words/phrases directly towards them. I think not. And if you think they can, well not everyone is an Iron Fortress, everyone has a breaking point.
When I say breaking the game I mean the game itself, not the chat at all, I just mean the actual playing of minecraft, like just fighting someone in PvP. I don't mean to come across as saying breaking the rules is okay, because its not. Muting someone instead of banning will still keep chat clean. Let me ask you this, in a chat sense, would a 3 day mute have the same effect as a 3 day ban?
Online gaming, more specifically online Minecraft is not just about pvping. There is much more in "the actual playing of minecraft". Also moderators don't give out 3 day mutes.
I don't think I'm making my point clear enough. In my opinion, I believe people shouldn't be banned from the Minecraft element from the game for breaking the rules in the chat element of the game. And the Minecraft element isn't limited to PvP, I just used it as an example. So basically, I think mutes should be the punishment for chat offences and bans should only be used for breaking the actual gameplay of Minecraft (like hacking) . I understand there is more to the actual gameplay of Minecraft, but I think the chat should be handled and punished differently.
I see the logic you are using. But people are given the privilege to play on Mineverse, not the right. And if they can't follow the rules of Mineverse, they will be subjected to the punishments set forth by the owners who run the server. It's not up to the players to set the rules and punishments of the server, it's the owners. Their server, their rules, their punishments. Yes, you can have your own opinion about the rules set forth even if it disagrees with the current ones, and yes, you can have this suggestion open to opinions and criticism. But no, I do not think this suggestion will be accepted. If you wish to continue this conversation, feel free to pm me. I do not wish to spend any more time on this thread arguing with you about our opinions on this topic.
Swearing - No punishment: No Support, players can bypass the filter. Flaming/Filter Bypass/Advertising/Spam - Keep it the same: Support. Staff Disrespect - 1-3 day mute: No Support, I don't think a mute is enough punishment for a player that disrespect staff. Racism/Discrimination/Sexism - 1-3 day mute: Support. Death Threats - 1-3 day mute: No Support.
Support. Also most profanity isn't even filtered, if it isn't filtered you shouldn't be punished for saying it. Personally I think all chat related rules should just be scrapped, if you don't like what someone says just /ignore them. Back in the good old days you'd just get a warning in chat ([Player name] don't be racist]) for saying "" but now you just get a 3 day ban. But when it's discrimination against white people e.g. calling someone a "cracker" it's fine, no one cares about that. Being punished for mocking your own religion is even banable. It's just ridiculous. All of these stupid rule changes, restricting everything, are whats slowly killing Mineverse. Well other than the lack of innovation and resets.