Neutral. I don't play Infection too often, so I am by no means an authority on this, but the map to me seems a bit... empty. I get the premise, but other than the crashed plane, and a few other structures; it's pretty empty. Maybe add some tanks and such dotted across the surface? Anyways, good luck.
Thank you for the feedback! But Ares and I decided that if we were to add a couple more tanks and such, we would be over doing it and the map would seem too much. We also have underground bunkers. Also since this was taken near "No Man's Land" it is supposed to be somewhat empty.
I get it, but I don't think you are going for 100% historical accuracy. The bunkers are a neat idea, but they seem to get a bit repetitive. Know what I mean?
Our goal was for a War Based Map. We weren't aiming for 100% historical accuracy. Just bits and pieces from here and there to make it War-like. Like the airplanes and the trenches. The trenches are from WW1 and the Planes are from WW2. And the Axis Powers seem as though they are winning the war in our map. Very little historical accuracy.
That's beside the point. Therefore you aren't focusing on being historically accurate. Therefore you could put more stuff on the surface to keep it from being so empty.
As FrostN explained this map didn't focus 100% on the historic accuracy of world war 1. As we in no way have the capability of focusing on a map where heads were bashed by any given object to your left or right. Watching your long-time best friend being blown up to a billion pieces by a landmine. We aimed for this a tiny bit. But not entirely. As if we had to take one tiny piece out of World War 1 and put it into a Minecraft perspective it wouldn't have worked out, and the map would be very small. At this point I expect your predictable ''not to the point'' comment. Maybe by reading this comment you won't reply with that sentence. Let's find out! If we were to (without current layout) add more tanks and such to the map. Or any other structure from world war 1, it would look like a mess. We tried a lot of different schematics. An anti-tank weapon, a few smaller structures in the ''empty'' areas, a German WW1 tank, and a few other features in the map. Our problem with this is once again the ''mess'' we'd create of an actual world war and Infection map. We aren't trying to reflect on this 100%. It's more of a frozen yet abandoned battleground that's about to be blown up the Germans. It's not a representation of world war 1 but an Infection map. A map with randomly placed objects is a bit awkward. However, we will respectfully take another peak and see if we can add a vehicle or two. Take care, Ares.