pathetic wasn't the right word but it's still absurd that you get banned for a month for some abbreviation that will only affect incredibly depressed people. And those depressed people wouldn't be on a block game unless they were seeking some love or attention
but you see a lot of people actually kill themeselves. weither or not it's a joke or fr. people need to understand that words actually do hurt even on a block game
The guy i said it to was fine tho he was all cheery and i said it as a joke :/ i didnt just randomely out of the blue say "kys" i said it as a joke he didnt seem depressed
The fact that you can get banned on a game for talking lmao. talking is the only fun thing to do on this dead boring game everyones leaving minecraft and that's obv we used to have 7k forum views now we have 1k mineverse will probs only be around till 2020 max (this is pushing it) before we start losing profit instead of gaining it and then Cyp or Noobcrew will shut Mineverse down.
Hey man, not all people are like us they can't handle words but yeah pretty pathetic IF YOU KILL YOURSELF OVER WORDS LIKE BRUH
Yes I understand the situation at hand, but c'mon, a 30 month ban for a word that will only affect the truly depressed?
People should be banned when there are other comments complementing the ''kys'' threat, like ''oh you're unwanted'' and such
Wouldn't it be more easier to see if the person has a clear hostile intent...? And all you need to do is just screenshot the convo.