I have no idea who you are, but that's one of the most Tumblr usernames I've seen in awhile. :t: Who are you? lol You're really annoying sometimes, but I guess you're alright. I used to be good friends with you, but then I lost respect for you after some of the things you did & said. I've already moved on from the dark age that was called, "2016," so I'm fine with you now. You got a good taste in games, and I can relate with you on some levels personally. We didn't talk too much then, and we haven't since then besides last week on Snapchat, lol. You're a cool guy though. @Kyra and I love the trends. I never befriended you, but you seem chillin'. I had you on Skype before you become mod, I remember. ;) We don't really talk much, but your Snaps are pretty sexy like you. ;)