yesterday I logged off for the night. When I woke up in the morning I got up and I tried connecting to mineverse, But when I tried to connect I got the "logging in" message for about 50 seconds, Then "Disconnected". I tried doing everything I know how to do to fix this (Powering off modem and router, restarting Minecraft and Computer, Deleting then Re-installing minecraft), But None of this worked. if anyone knows how to fix this It would be nice if you could reply, Thanks.
That happens to me sometimes Have you tried the other domains? Like or and such? Or maybe reset your internet? (Then the plug switch off and on)
Joobi Covered it well but if that still doesn't work download this: its a minecraft launcher just not a mojang one and you will be able to join the server.
I tried both of the different domains, neither of them worked. I also tried resetting my internet, also didn't work.
I guess you will just have to wait it out its obviously some sort of error with your internet so you just need to wait sadly D:
There are different Ip's For the Server Did you try, If did so then sorry i couldn't help with this.
this happened to me last night, just in a different way first I got on my computer and opened minecraft and then went to multiplayer of course, tried logging onto mineverse and this is what happened: Spoiler: Click the spoiler to see what happened to me. -It basically said "connecting to server for about .90 seconds (90 nano seconds) -then it went to "logging in" it stated this for about a second or so -then finally it goes to "downloading terrain" it did this for about 1 minute or so, it finally came to an end when it said "cannot connect to server (tons of error numbers and letters) Even though that didn't happen to you it still is a connection problem. As a result to that, minecraft will always have some type of internet connection even if your wifi is fast or slow. Perhaps it could've been a problem with mojang's services, yes, mojang's connection could, and if, will slow down your connection Did this help?
Search your username in the search bar, that will tell you why you cannot connect. Closing since the question will be answered by that.