Removing /msg ** on Prison!Hello everyone, prison has just reset. Players can do /msg * , and that basically messages everyone on the prison server. Players spam the command a lot. I suggest we remove it as it could reduce spam, and maybe lag? Let me know your opinion on this suggestion. Thank you for reading!
May I ask why just on prison? This works on multiple gamemodes and is extremely annoying. I think if it would to be removed it should be removed globally.
Well, I had no clue which other servers had the command & I couldn't really choose a gamemode for the prefix. Are you with me though? :O Thank you!
It's been spoken to Cyp about and made note of. Hoping the permission will be removed soon. Apologies to for those who've been spammed by it ;/
What if mineverse just added. /msgtoggle instead? And kept /msg * for announcements and such?? Neutral