hi madi, I haven't really talked to you recently but you're like the most awesome gal I know. You're pretty chill & funny & nice. I really want to talk to you more because you're so sweet. I don't know you that well but I guess you're pretty cool
Just tell me you don't know me so I can leave. Someone's holding me captive, and they'll only set me free if someone gives me a tbh.
I don't know you, RUN WHILE YOU CAN hi hi uhm I don't know you that well but you're pretty nice n sweet. + we need to talk more often I don't know you at all but you're like an oldie on the server and yeah The real question is, who even are you? Jk, you're pretty fun to chill with on ts/skype and talk to when my mom isn't home (because shes annoying and she won't let me talk 2 ppl). Even though you're mean to me all the time & calling me a hoe, I still love you ok okay where do I start um you're like really awesome and really cool to talk to because you're like relatable and people say I sound like you? Like who are they & do they even have ears because we sound nothing alike. I can like tell you the most random things thats going on in the weird mind of mine and you would understand. I love you for that <3 it's farkoo not farku because I have to memorize to pronounce your name right at farook so it's farkoo. You're like one of the funniest people on here I know because you make me laugh even if you would probably say "hi". It's hilarious when you rage because you yell a lot for no reason & it's funny. We've got to talk a lot recently and got like closer as friends and that's like pretty cool I guess? I'm trying to make this paragraph long because like you're one of my good friends and it has to look like you're important here so don't mind these lousy words because I'm like really bad at English & writing papers (because I always get bad grades on them anyways) so I don't even know why I'm like still typing random words. Anyways, you are not the goat (sorry ) & you're wonderful & I'm glad to know you as a friend. you're "cool stuff". Okay that made no sense but what I'm trying to say is you're cool & pretty funny. We're mean to griff a lot and it's good because he deserves it. You listen to rap so that like automatically makes me want to be your friend like come on how can you hate someone if they listen to the same music as you? Anyways I really want to get to know you more because you would seem like someone I would be good friends with. heyheyhey. I don't know you that well but you're like really nice & sweet. I already love you because you would seem like the type that I would be really close & good friends with. Talk to me more please <3 The real question here is, who are you??
hi Maxine, I don't know you very well but you're very nice & funny. You deserve the mod position because like you would be a great person for the spot. I really want to get to know you more & talk to you more. I don't know who I am