Maxine ur so sweet and adorable! i still cherish the pfp u made me a while back! ur absolutely a doll, and ur so mature and friendly towards anyone! i haven't known u fur long, and i dun't know much about u, but u seem super sweet. ily hun <3 tbh i haven't seen u befur but i'm sure ur a wonderful purrson :33
OH SORRY okie um tbh Benko i like u a lot but u can be super mean to me sometimes ;~; u blew up @Whyspr 's base and honestly i thought u were better than that. u say u have anger issues and u "can't change" but i know u can. when i furst met u, i loved u because u were super friendly and fun and sweet! i loved hanging out with u, but then u seriously hurt me ;~; i honestly thought u were better than that
calling people retards is not part of any gamemode. please do not continue this conversation on my thread. tbh i didn't like u at furst, but i think ur a really super cool purrson now :33 i hope we can talk more, even though u made fun of my voice a while ago. i would like to get to know u more :33 u seem actually like a kind purrson, even if u can tend to be a bit of a grump grump at times! i'm sure u have a soft spot, and i hope that i can find it and we can be close friends <3
No soft spot around here, and you're certainly right about me being a "grump grump". Just kidding, I hope we can be friends too, you're cool.
HIYAH TIGERZ!! tbh ilysm and i owe u so much fur being there fur me when i had nobody else. ive heard so many good things about u, and I wish we talked more. i have so much fun pvping with u, and i hope to spend more time with u in the future! <3 ily hun