Tbh; I didn't like you because you're were co**y asf on bedwars but you're chill now I guess. Just don't get smart with me because I get smart back. Tbh; His nudes are 10/10 sorry bud, but griff we met 4 months ago or so and I'm so greatful to be able to call you one of my friends thank you for always standing by my chocolate side (throwback;)) anyways, you're a great guy. AIIII PAPI tbh; You're literally my bestfriend and I miss talking to you on TS and you better get better at them bear crawls or they'll haunt you for the rest of your life. Farku you're honestly amazing thank you for befriending me back in September I'm legitimately lucky to be able to call you one of my best friends. Plus all our inside jokes, btw I knew you could get mod, I'm glad I pushed you to continue just look where you are now. ❤ Kmskmskmskms Tbh; Idk if you still like me but we lost our streak on Snapchat so rip but overall you're a sweet and nice person and you were a great mod and I know you'll be a great one again soon❤ Ily still. (Again) kmskmskms Tbh; Random, you'll forever be double 0 Random. I'm glad we became friends because I'm able to create many jokes with you, plus you sneaking into my TeamSpeaks are super agent;) but I hope life treats you well love you deserve it❤ Jhow! Tbh; I'm mad at you for resigning but I'm sure life's treating you well. I'll always miss making fun of you in game considering I never see you anymore but I hope you're okay and I hope we stay somewhat friends. You're pretty chill and funny and you go along with my jokes
Lol there is no one I really dislike unless they majorly annoy me which is very hard to do and which no one on mv has accomplished yet - we should talk more
Tbh; Heyyyyyy beatfrand anyways you're pretty chill and cool, thank you for helping me try to kill Communications on OpPvP he annoys me so much. Ugh don't even get me started. But thank you means a lot ❤ Tbh; You're literally so gorgeous can I be you please? I definitely am not a stalker who screenshots your selfies pfftttttt. It's okay cause you're all mine((;. Anyways Lanie, thank you for being an amazing friend & an amazing sim. You're so sweet, kind, caring, and funny. I miss talking with you on TeamSpeak :/ I feel like it's been ages. But I hope life's treating you well plus I you with you know who ((;
Tbh; I'm glad we've became somewhat friends, you're funny and s sweet and nice.we should talk on TS sometime or skype. :3 but hopefully we become better friends ! Tbh; I don't really know you but I'd love to get to know you.
LOLOLOL I LOVE YOU tbh; You're literally so amazing and I'm so glad I met you. You make me laugh so much. Your band is 10/10. You're so nice and funny and amazing and amazing okay goodnight ;)
Tbh; Hey! I'm super glad we have became friends over the past two weeks or so, even though we've been team on Op for like ever now. You're sweet, nice and caring and you are actually decent at pfp ;3. But thank you for all the laughs. Means a lot, I'm always here for you❤ Tbh; You get noodles but his noodles are mine. Thank you for being very supportive of Alex's channel. Anyways, you're a great friend and I miss your crib. Even though Alex would never team with upsets lol. Just do you.❤ Tbh; You seem like a di** but it's chill. I admire that you're not afraid to speak your opinion. Hopefully we become somewhat friends in the future