watch me >:33 Ordsie Ordsies! We've been close evfur since the day u hated me yay! lol dw i furgive u, but i'm nevfur letting u furget it ;33 thank u so much fur the christmas purrsent, and i purrmise that i will make it up to u! we're voting buddies, and i hope that we can both win together! ur one of my besties, and i have so much fun teamspeaking with u and chain! u two are honestly relationship goals *wink wink nudge nudge shove shove* (make out already) heehee~! i have so much fun with u, and im sowwy fur making the giant crack in ur melon head furm biting into the back of ur head mwehehehehehehehe ilyyyy
Hi Janice!!! tbh, we've known each other fur SO long now! i know we had rough beginnings, but now ur like a twin sister to me <3 i still plan on making u a purrfile picture too, and i know we can always both reminisce about missing u-know-who ;w; u always have a smile on ur face, and u can brighten anyone's day! i hope u stay sweet, and have a wonderful 2017!
MUMMA AHHH I LOVE U MORE THAN POTATOES!! Mumma tbh ur the potato queen and im ur princess <3 I love u so so so much, and u honestly are the reason i have so many friends now. without u, i would've still been that smol shy child u found on infection. ur always there fur me, and u comfort and understand me like a real mother. Im so thankful fur having u in my life! hiyah Purrmitive! :33 tbh when i furst met u, i thought u were an awesome staff member! we talked a lot, until we got into a tiny argument, and then i was hurt when u called me immature. but i attempted to fix things, and now i can safely say that we're back to normal! <3 i care about u a lot Purrmitive, more than u purrbably realize. u remind me of my friend from long ago, and while that is kinda melancholy, i dunt regret meeting u. i wish we talked more, and i can't wait to Skype u so we can listen to rap together!!! ;33 ily Purrmitive! <3 <3 <3 tbh im not quite sure who u r ;=; squeals bc gabbbbbaaaaeeeee!! <3 u are literally my furst friend on mineverse! i remember i was so nervous on my furst day on infection, i just looked at whoevfur seemed friendly in chat, and chose u! ur so sweet and beautiful and smart, im so lucky to have known u *kisses ur cheek bc ilysm* i have so much fun in teamspeak with u, and i hope we hang out more soon! <3 tbh we've nevfur really talked, but i've heard a lot of good things about u 0; screams in emo ilysm mum #4! ur so freaking sweet and i have so much fun in teamspeak with u. ur absolutely beautiful, and i really wish we talked more. ur always there fur me, and i love gossiping to u about cheesy stuff ;33 p.s. i have so many ships fur u wink wink tbh no thanks