Well I'm finally suggesting this, I'm making a suggestion that mineverse should add a [Ban-Team] Staff rank For numerous reasons, we'll start with their job: These staff members will not be playing as a player near to any their sole purpose is to reply to ban reports and watch out for those hacking, they should be top notch recorders and be on frequently, they should always be available to ban a hacker. When I say they will not play as a player much it's because they need to be focused not mixed up in a game of bed wars. The second reason is a more lax reason: This should be implemented to help mods not be so stressed whilst playing, giving them the role of more of a in-game respondent or helper role really, letting them not have to worry with having to be able to record or what not. Lastly, the requirement I suggest for someone to be able to get on this staff role personnel: •Have a post count on forums of 200 or more •Have at least 6 accepted ban reports (hackers are not hard to find) •Have been member on forums for 2+ months * I would like to say I am only raising this to decide for the betterment of the server and only that, it would be beneficial to everyone, anyways hope you support this and Baii *. XD
How can you have someone be available at any given time to record a hacker. Sure, it'd be nice to have, but in the end, they'd literally just become a normal mod. Can't support this idea, sorry.
@TradeOffer being as I only play as a player and don't have to perspective of you I would like to say the activity of 'most' mods is very low, so I am suggesting the server finds those select people Who are super active and dedicated and give them this rank the server needs people like this and less mods just not doing their job playing the game. But... this would let people who want to do both ban and play get the moderator position, but the dedicated people to banning and recording ONLY, and are very active, get this rank. I do t want people to see this as just another moderator it's completely separate but thanks for feedback!! This would also open doors for wannabe mods that do not have the ability to record a hacker so they still have a fighting chance on getting staff. Phone is on 2% sorry for no replies ATM
This is what Moderators are here to do. If we are playing on a game mode, not doing anything and someone comes to us and asks us to watch a hacker, that is the priority. Sure it gets stressful sometimes, especially if there aren't many staff member on at any given time, but this is what we signed up to do. I don't want to have the role of a helper or a chat monitor. Also, being a staff member whose sole purpose is to get on and ban hackers whilst not having the opportunity to play would get boring. Personally, I would not like to apply for a staff rank that does not allow me to enjoy playing the game.
The point is yes this is part of mods job but most mods don't do their job on here they are inactive just logging in and being afk for hours or when you catch a hacker they will not leave their game to ban them, and trust me there are people on this server that would most likely love to give up playing mineverse just to ban hackers. And there is no way this would be in-successfull I have been a part of 3 servers that implemented this, the result was more relaxed moderators that can come and help 1 on 1 things with people and less hackers/cheaters on the server due to the ban team. But thanks for feedback. This server needs to realize that this Mineverse is on a downhill slope a the moment, we might have more people but the environment is terrible it's a balance between hackers and players, and mods are not doing what they need to be doing to stop this. This server needs some hope of the hackers leaving.
Posts like this really bother me and they bring the morale of the team down. People complain and complain about mods not doing their job. Meanwhile, I'm over here looking at all the reports and ban logs that our moderation team do each and every day. Do we have some staff that don't pull their own weight? Sure, but that is with literally any job in the world. For you to say that most of the staff team isn't doing their job is 100% false and the implication makes me angry for them.