tbh I wuv u a lot Urnesto! Even if u are a grump grump sometimes, I still look out fur u a lot, way more than u know! I can't even begin to list the numerous times i had to defend u in infection against other bullies! but i really do care about u a lot, even if u don't notice. i hope u talk to me more, because i miss hanging with you! ♡ HI FISHY OMG *intense screaming* ur absolutely hilarious and every time u log onto prison and scream my name, i can't help but smile! i haven't known u fur long, but i really wish we could hang out more! u and everyone else in sparky's group are so nice, and thank u fur giving me a squad group to hang out in! ily u weird fish! ALEX OMG GASP ITS LEGALiZEDMURDER OMG SOOOO COOOL (not rly ur a nerd) jokes jokes heehee~! tbh i think i saw u on my quickadd on snapchat with kyra but im not sure bc i know a lot of Alex's so idkkkkk!!! i might try adding but its kinda sketchy if its not u so im not sure!!! i really wish u would talk to me more, because i have a ton of fun hanging out with u!
TBH I THOUGHT U SPELLED UR NAME WRONG WHEN I FURST MET U LOL! ur the king of potatoes and i'm super sad u resigned ); i hope u reapply soon, so we can be staff together purrhaps! :33 i wish u would talk to me more bc i really had a great time talking to u, and it was super fun as well! miss u Dei ♡ Auzzi u are literally adorable ♡ ur my smol tea cup and i love u to the moon and back omg omg! we need to talk more, and tbh u remind me of one of my old friends from my old server! ily!
omg i have a lot to do D; tbh ur the lamest purrson i've evfur met u loser ♡ but u know ily so its all good. i really hope after what we went through, we're okay now. i wish u would open up to me more and attempt to actually have a real conversation, because i honestly do want to be close friends with u kylie jenner! i wish u would realize how much i actually care about u, and that we could spend more time together. getting to know u has been one of the most fun parts of joining mineverse, and we already have a lot of inside jokes and cute mean nicknames fur each other! p.s. if u break our streak on snapchat i will break ur nose ily ♡ ♡ ♡ tbh eeeekkkkers ur super super adorable Colbae! i wish u didn't resign when i furst joined, bc u were like one of my furst friends, and one of the furst people to welcome me to the furums! it sucked that u left me alone fur a while, but i hope that someday we can get back to the way we were befur u resigned! ♡ tbh i dun't really know u (i think) but u seem super nice and DABBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB imma bout to roast u so hard u cutie pie ♡ i just met u and u dunt know me much but u are legit so fun! i can't wait to get to know u more, and spend more time with u! i hope u get back on mineverse more often, and its fun to gossip with u about certain people (lol)! ur honestly super sweet, and u came into my life at the purrfect time! i'm so lucky to have met another great friend, and i hope we stay close! BABE ILYSFM OMG! tbh ur honestly beautiful and u look like ariel winter lololololol~! i love our rants and vents about some snobby people *cough* and i always break out laughing at whatevfur u say! ur honestly so much fun babe, and i'm glad that through the short time i've known u, u've become one of my besties ♡ ♡ plus i would 10/7 date u wink ily Ellieeeee!!! tbh ur super super sweet and kind to me! we are infection squad goals, and even though when i furst joined mv we didn't talk much, we're super close now! ilysm hun, and ur honestly an angel! p.s. i ship Kanekilovr33X like fed ex ♡ Hello Randy Dandy! ♡ i know we dun't talk much, but ur always so sweet and considerate to me! u were there fur me when i was down, and thats a debt i'd repay any day hun! i really want to get to know u more, so we can spend more time together! i hope that one day too, we will be working together! ♡ lots of love! STACKSIES WHERE DO I EVEN BEGIN!!! i've known u since legit the day i joined mineverse, and u have been super suppurrtive of me since! i know we had that time period where i was upset at u, but i'm really glad we moved past that and are now super close! i can tell that u trust me a lot, and ur always there when i need suppurrt against the haters on infection! (bc ya know, they're jealous of my skill) ;33 Anyways, thanks so much fur always being there Stacksies ♡ hi hi tbh i dun't know u all that well but ur super sweet! just dun't be corrupted by chazzy bc he can be a brute sometimes!